A Psychic, a Medium, and a Channeler Walk into a Bar
what people call themselves and a theoretical why
Q | We’re curious! What’s the difference between a medium and a channeler? What are you? That sounded weird but I’m guessing you’ll understand. Loving this rainy day.💚
I’ve borrowed some of my favorite questions and answers from the conversations hosted on Instagram. None of our memories are so robust that we’ve entirely retained them. Let’s revisit some fun ones. Have a fresh question? Submit it here.
A | Definitions for all of these terms can get so murky. I swear that everyone you ask has a different explanation. Let’s see what we can do!
I choose the nomenclature of energetic interpreter for myself. Terms like psychic, medium, and channeler all come with such loaded meanings. I want to side step that. Plus, it’s an accurate description of my work.
I’m taking energy and translating it into images and words. Some of that comes from talking to ghosts and galactics, other pieces are energetic reads or general knowings, and then there’s the filter that is Libby (pardon my use of the third person) and my lived experience.
Psychics & Mediums
Psychics traditionally interpret the future. They’re taking the energetic landscape and telling you which direction to go or what might cross your path.
Mediums on the other hand often look to the past since they are the voice for the dead. They are communicating messages from those who are no longer living.
Often you’ll see the two terms paired together, as in a psychic medium. As anticipated, this is a mashup of those two abilities. Most mediums are psychic. Not all psychics are mediums.
Where I deviate from the traditional model is that I work with the dead who wish to champion the projects of the living. These ghosts often worked in similar fields to those who come to me for advice and support. They lend their knowledge and their network of connections to the living. Don’t forget that ghosts pull a lot of strings in the background.
I love when they show me the interconnected web of everything they’re doing to make certain pieces fall into place. That’s usually accompanied by a back up plan and a back up to the backup. They’re incredible with all that they do!
Channeling & Channelers
Channeling at its core means receiving messages from energetic origins and interpreting them for yourself or others. All of us do this to some extent. Intuition, the artistic muse, and Divine inspiration are all versions of this.
It can then take on other dimensions as people channel ghosts and galactics and aliens and demons. There’s a lot out there trying to bend our ears. Not all of it is doing so for our benefit. Tread carefully.
This can further be broken down into categories of channeling. What is traditionally known as trance channeling means that your consciousness vacates your body in order for another to borrow it. This should always be done with your permission and those that inhabit your physical form should leave it better than they found it.
It’s a bit like a vacation rental. The family that owns the property isn’t there so someone else can use it. Don’t come in and start breaking all the dishes.
There’s a lot more of body occupying transpiring than we may realize. Lots of Faustian bargains were made for fame and fortune and notoriety. Aliens drop in and out of people all the time. Some have taken up fairly permanent residence.
In the less prominent sector, aliens are communicating with loads of people. Far too many folks enter into all of this work without acknowledging the risks and are so thrilled to have something show interest that there’s little to no discretion for intent or motives. Add psychedelics to that mix, and it becomes even more dangerous.
When I’m hosting a galactic visitor, I’m still aware of everything that is happening in my body. It’s a bit like standing in the kitchen listening to the conversation in the living room but being far enough out of range that no one could hear me if I spoke. There’s a huge amount of trust that goes into this type of arrangement. A ton of vetting transpires before anyone can borrow my body.
I really don’t recommend any trance channeling until you’re incredibly confident in your own energy and your own abilities, particularly in the current energetic climate. The nasty stuff is looking for any and all opportunities to manipulate folks here on Earth. Don’t give them added opportunities.
In my experience, all of these terms come with baggage. People have preconceived notions of what each means that may or may not align with how you view yourself and your abilities. The same nomenclature can hold vastly different connotations for two people identifying by identical labels. No wonder it’s confusing.
Like with any profession or skill set, not all folks are created equal. Do some vetting. You wouldn’t hire someone to remodel your kitchen without seeing what the designs have been architected in the past. Trust the energy. Just because someone comes highly recommended by a friend doesn’t mean that she’s a fit for you. Trust yourself and the energy.
Have a question of your own? Don’t hesitate to ask! Reply to this email, drop it in the comments, or submit it here. I answer as many as I can.