Deadlines Are for Demons
that’s an overstatement meant to get your attention to talk about the eclipse
Who remembers the season three finale of Buffy? It’s what keeps coming to mind every time someone mentions the upcoming eclipse. Until recently, I was completely unaware that an eclipse was even going to take place on April 8, much less plunge us into total darkness. It wasn’t until today that something fully clicked.
Spoilers ahead in a “the Titanic sank” not at all a surprise sort of way. When it comes to Buffy, I don’t feel like I’m giving anything away to say end of the world, big bad, good guys prevail, rinse and repeat. There. I ruined it for you. Let’s continue.
I’ve been hopping on and off of Instagram recently while pulling together an upcoming series. Waiting in my inbox today was a message drawing me attention to someone gushing about a Joe Dispenza retreat and discussing the instructions she had been energetically receiving about this impending eclipse. She described the guidance of spirit telling her to, “Clear your shit up before the eclipse.” That’s when I put it all together.
See, in my experience, ghosts and galactics and other benevolent beings don’t give you deadlines. Heck, most galactic beings have such a tenuous grasp on time that they’re lucky to manage a three day window of accuracy. It took the Zahs months to understand how humans flatten the squishiness of time. We kept coming home to clocks that read complete gibberish. The Zahs would politely apologize that they didn’t mean to mess them up and were only trying to comprehend why humans had such a fixation on these devices. Time is not important to galactic beings.
So who is pushing deadlines? Aliens and demons.
I know. I know. We’re all super surprised. Who would have guessed that they’re trying to manipulate humanity again.
Demons have been on this Earth for an awfully long time. Many of them are literally of the earth. They, along with their alien counterparts, have been manipulating and possessing humans for eons. So they understand how to control the mind and body. By contrast, the vast majority of galactics have arrived on the planet within the past few years. They comprehend the enhancements they’ve made to our bodies but still struggle with the human components of things. In this way, demons have the upper hand.
Which brings me back to the Buffy finale.
Through the entire season, the mayor has been plotting his ascension. Bad news. The Hellmouth opens, the mayor becomes an unspeakable monster, and humanity is all but wiped from existence. Just another Tuesday for that crowd. The gang knows all of this is going to transpire at graduation accompanied by — drumroll please — an eclipse. They begin plotting.
Quickly they realize that alone they’re doomed, even with Angel’s realization of something to the effect of, “Total darkness. I’m back in the game.” This phrase really jumped out at me so I’m including it. The throngs of evil that are set to emerge from the Hellmouth when it opens will easily demolish the efforts of Buffy and friends.
Now, I realize that I’m explaining the plot of a fictional show to you. However, and this is a big however, there are a lot of strains of truth in much of science fiction. This is no exception. It’s a bit like we’ve been given a blueprint of how to defeat some of this nasty stuff — which is why the ending is so important.
Knowing that they couldn’t go it alone, Buffy and crew recruited ALL of the graduating class to fight the impending doom. And you know how I know that there’s something to that? I burst into tears watching it happen on screen and am crying again as I type it.
There’s immense power in coming out of the shadows and uniting.
I can tell you that we’re not supposed to fly solo. They’ll pick us off one by one.
So what does that look like? Yeah. I haven’t gotten that far. These are the moments that I actually miss Instagram. It’s the joining together of all of the disparate pieces that each of us hold that illuminates the next step and the one after that. The irony of this is not lost on me considering that I refer to Instagram as the Hellmouth.
But how do we fight it? The aliens and demons are encouraging people to “clear out their shit” so that their energy is easier to harvest. I would like to minimize that. The solution is not as literal as handing out weapons to hide under our graduation gowns. But what is the energetic equivalent? Is the answer to fill our day with activities that we absolutely love? Do we send a chain letter or start a telephone tree? How about energetically high fiving each other around the globe? I don’t know.
I guess we’ll leave this with a cliffhanger as we wait to see what’s to come.
Join me for future installments of real life is a scifi adventure.