The following is adapted from an Instagram stories series. You can find it here.
Q | Libby, I have a question that I’m a little embarrassed to ask but feel like I can with you. What if the spirit- Mr Lincoln or my grandfather for instance, decide to reincarnate? How does that work? Or will they always be that version of their soul out there?
With this scenario and this question, specificity of terms does matter. A soul is the overarching consciousness that holds multiple spirits together. Put another way, each spirit is a subset of a specific soul. All souls are subsets of the Hoopla, a giant, amorphous “container” of energy.
People have a tendency to play fast and loose with the terms soul and spirit, myself included. To some extent and in some instances, it doesn’t matter. A square is a rectangle. Referencing me as a Midwesterner is inclusive of my Michigander nature and would really still be true even if I moved to LA again, even though my residence would no longer reflect it.
I think of this a bit like precipitation. Water atoms exist in our atmosphere. We can’t always see them. Sometimes they bundle together to make rain clouds. Those rain clouds then burst apart sending tiny droplets of water to the Earth. Hoopla. Soul. Spirit.
The Hoopla holds the existence of all consciousness everywhere inclusive of aliens and galactics and everything else in our vast universe. As the individuated consciousnesses continue to evolve and grow, it does as well. Nothing is ever truly static.
When a soul originally comes into formation, the how and why of this remains elusive, it can start at any point in the evolutionary game. The concept that a soul has to evolve from the ground up is erroneous. A soul may take shape with the highest level of consciousness that we have ever seen or it might have the awareness of a mayfly. Perhaps as we have this discussion, more clarity will present itself.
Theoretically, once created, the soul exists for all time. I say theoretically because I know first hand that this isn’t actually true. Souls can be destroyed and reset to the state they were in before they existed. I’ve witnessed it. The circumstances for that are rare and exceptional. Most souls keep on souling once they’ve differentiated themselves from the Hoopla.
Now, not every soul that comes into existence will create spirit offshoots. Souls can hangout indefinitely in that state of existence. Clouds don’t always produce rain. When that raindrop does come to Earth (or whichever planet or physical space it chooses), a spirit has differentiated itself from the soul.
For the vast majority of souls, there’s only one thread at a time. A spirit materializes, lives a full life (whatever the length), dies, and is reabsorbed into the soul and the Hoopla. Time passes. A different spirit, still connected to that same soul, differentiates itself and does the whole thing again.
Worth noting that when the spirit materializes, there is still a connection to both the soul and the Hoopla. We are never truly separate despite it feeling that way at times.
When the body that houses an incarnated spirit dies, that spirit still exists as a specific energetic consciousness. We call these ghosts or a vast variety of other names. Often they retain the name and identity we gave them during life — Lincoln, your grandfather, Walt Disney. A new spirit choosing to incarnate does not wipe away the existence of the previous ones. We’re not demolishing an existing house to build on the same site.
Each thread incarnates separately from the others but with borrowed knowledge from the many existences that soul has shared. It’s a bit like a household I suppose. We’re all living under the same roof but living individual lives. I know some things about my family or roommates but not everything. Even when one of us moves, there are still shared connections.
So if Mr. Lincoln (he thinks President Lincoln sounds too formal for the nature of the relationship we have and now actually has me call him Abe) reincarnates, the consciousness that ran our country and was assassinated in a theatre remains. (He’s giving me a hard time that his death is my example here when there’s so much else he did with his life.) The same is true with your grandfather.
Those spirits or ghosts remain. Now, where this gets interesting is that not all spirits choose to remain as a distinguished part of the soul upon death. That particular thread of consciousness might disappear. It could happen immediately or after hundreds of years.
The other fun twist in all of this is that a soul can have multiple spirits incarnating simultaneously. These tend to be highly evolved souls that understand the complexity that accompanies this configuration. The full soul consciousness can go into each spirit or drops of it. That’s dependent on the aims of the soul expansion that transpires through incarnation.
This scenario is relatively rare. I see it with people like Einstein and Joan of Arc. We tend to think of their human counterparts as having a strong grasp on time or quantum physics or other areas that lend themselves to bending human consciousness.
Questions from the Community
Q | Hmmm. Neat! Ok so “soul family” / same soul different spirits or still separate “groupings” so to speak?I can’t stop laughing. Upon reading this, I was immediately shown one of those conspiracy boards with the threads running everywhere. That’s the explanation that I’m getting.
To put a few more words to this, what we perceive as soul families are actually groupings of spirits from separate souls that find each other again and again. It’s a bit like the folks who work for international schools. Everybody meets when they’re positioned in Madrid. One person moves to San Jose because her contract has expired in Spain. As other people have their contracts expire, they head to Costa Rica as well wanting to be together again. The next time the contracts end, everyone does this all over again.
We do the same thing throughout lifetimes over time and space.
Q | So when people say that they didn’t learn a lesson (just an example) in another incarnated life, so they had to come back to complete the cycle- would that be similar to incarnating as a spirit but still accessing the threads of other spirits from the soul.
This view has always struck me as penalistic (not a word) which is not the nature of the universe. It’s like the ballet teacher slamming down the staff and yelling, “Again!” until all of the dancers bleed in their pointe shoes. The choices that pour into incarnating are vastly more nuanced and complex than that.
We’re contributing to the expansion of the universe as a whole, not just our piece of it. Has the baton of experience been passed from one soul to another because the circumstances lend themselves to further expansion more easily? Did it get handed off altogether because another soul needed to focus elsewhere? Did a single spirit take on the role of many others because he or she had the capacity? Is that precise energetic makeup exactly what Earth needs in this exact moment?
Cycles have always felt a bit like hamster wheels to me. Even hamsters get to step off and curl up in their toilet tube filled with sawdust.
Humans are able to learn through observation. I don’t need to experience something directly to have it influence my behavior or comprehension. We borrow from each other and pass our knowledge from person to person, sometimes through multiple generations. Our souls are equally capable.
Perhaps a soul that wasn’t comprehending something in a previous incarnation was paired with one who embodies everything about that lesson (as you call it). Maybe this time the spirit is meant to learn through observation instead of playing it out first hand. Look at how much we glean about marriage or dating or raising kids from the relationships around us instead of solely our own experience. Why would lessons of the soul be any different?
Q | Yes! I'm glad you asked because as I read the last slide about soul expansion I thought "What's the point of all this???" ("this" meaning existence) and wondered if that (soul expansion) IS the point ?! and if that is the point, then... why? Why must the soul expand and consciousness evolve? sometimes I think we are just in someone else's dream.. or trapped in a hologram. Like, is this all real? 🙃 p.s. you have a natural gift with being able to explain such topics with such beautiful use of language and analogies. 💗 thanks for breaking it all down in bite sized morsels that are easy to digest!
Why does a tree grow? It’s the biological imperative. No matter the conditions, it will always reach for the sun and continue to stretch in that direction. I think our expansion is the same thing. We’re cellularly programmed to do so. It doesn’t matter why or when or how, at least not to me. We’re going to keep stretching for the sun.
If we are in someone else’s dream or merely a hologram, would you do anything differently? Would you take more chances? Would you choose atrophy? Why does that perception of lack of control influence how you live your life?
Q | Any modern day examples of well known who have re-emerged?
No one springs to mind. What I’m seeing is their influence as ghosts. They have more access and influence in that state that they would lose by reincarnating.
These really are such a unique version of reincarnation. The reincarnated spirit retains so many markings of a previous spirit. It’s rare that the soul itself needs these aspects but more that the collective benefits from echoes of the person from the past. It awakens something in the shared energy.
Q | Is it mr. Lincoln as a spirit that reincarnates? So when that new spirit on earth has memories of past lives, it is true that it really lived that life. Or is it a new spirit from the Soul where it feels like information from a past life, but you only experience this feelings... because you are tapping in the whole soul. It's not really your own past life, but more the 'pain' of the household you experience?
And what about family system connections? Are most family members connected to one soul? Probably not 🤔
And if two spirits from one soul meet, is that what we call twinsouls?
😄 this is so interesting!
It isn’t Mr. Lincoln, the spirit himself, reincarnating. Markings of that spirit existence are furthered into additional lifetimes. To further complicate that, no, it’s not always from the same soul that incarnated as Lincoln in the first place.
We all borrow from each other as well as conflating our own experiences with ones we’ve observed. Are there stories in your current life that aren’t yours that you’ve heard so many times that you feel like you were there? Are there happenings that you misremember and cast yourself in a different role than the one you actually played? Are there stories your friends have told repeatedly to the point that you forget that the story is theirs and not yours? Heck, then there are the people who downright steal the lives and experiences of others.
If this can happen with our human existences, is it difficult to believe that even more complexity can exist when we’re talking souls and spirits?
Another thing that has been on my mind recently is our ability to misremember. Our memories are incredibly imperfect, yet somehow people expect ghosts to have all the details correct. They don’t. Stories and experiences get altered and embellished. It’s not necessarily malicious, though it can be. These versions of our consciousness simply can’t retain all of it simultaneously.
As for families, it’s rare to be linked to the same soul. Spirit incarnation of a single soul simultaneously is highly rare, to see it in the same family is virtually nonexistent. This fits the pattern mentioned earlier where souls move around in groups once they’ve developed an affinity for each other.
There are also those who spin off and want nothing to do with the souls they’ve touched in previous lifetimes. Not everyone wants to attend a high school reunion.
Now for an unpopular opinion. I think that twin souls or twin flames is a term coined by the New Age movement to dismiss abusive and tumultuous relationships and keep people stuck in unhealthy patterns. How much of the content you’ve seen surrounding this focuses on how the explosive natures of these relationships accelerates your soul growth?
We all have such unique trajectories in our lifetimes that I find it hard to believe that excruciating relationships with twin flames was the box we all checked to prompt our expansion. Sounds suspiciously like what we’re told about accelerating our cosmic understandings through psychedelics.
Meanwhile, who does it serve keeping you trapped in those patterns believing that it’s soul growth? When you approach it from that direction, it starts having that cultish edge to it, doesn’t it?
Q | Are these people aware they are existing in multiple timelines at once? Can they access all those points simultaneously?
Also if you are incarnated here as part galactic does that make your soul origin 100 percent that galactic make up and an incarnating raindrop is an opportunity to experience growth in all the various forms the universe has to offer?
I just feel 100 percent certain of where I’m going and who I’m hanging with once I’m done with my experience here 💗😆
I consider multiple timelines and different spirit incarnations of the same soul to be two separate things. How’s that for a level of added complication?
Timelines are separate branches and alternate paths of the same spirit. It’s this lifetime if you had made different choices and gone this way instead of that. Some of us can feel those alternate branches. I get glimpses of mine periodically. They can hold influence on the primary one that exists today.
Don’t focus too much on the other paths and their timelines or it will make your head hurt, literally and figuratively. As I say with past life experiences, don’t go poking for them. If they’re relevant to your current trajectory, they will present themselves to you.
As for the folks who have multiple spirits of the same soul incarnating simultaneously, very few of them are aware of this. What I’m actively being told as I type is that the ones who are aware are actually galactic incarnations and not human. Makes sense. They have access to a greater understanding of the bending of time and space and hold the capacity to comprehend.
Forking off in a new direction, we have the complexity of galactics on Earth. Where to begin?
Starting with the most straightforward aspect of this (using the term very loosely), galactics who are on Earth are predominantly taking a side step from their already existing galactic incarnation and life. There is no way that I’m not going to oversimplify this so bear with me.
Galactic walkins, for instance, are souls incarnated as galactics who then remain galactics but occupy a human body. It’s like a raindrop from a raindrop. Most of them retain a great deal about the galactic existence, but (and this is a really big but) not all of what they know can be comprehended on Earth so much of it gets obscured when they step into the human body.
It’s a bit like taking a photo with a really low resolution. You’ve captured the image, but it might come through as super grainy. Depending on the subject, that obscurity might matter more or less. You’re certainly not going to be able to read the license plate by enhancing the image like they do in all of the police procedurals.
Which means that certain aspects of galactic knowledge get lost even when coming to Earth is a subset of a galactic lifetime. Our human existence is also a speck in time compared to most galactic incarnations. Not to mention that time moves differently throughout the universe.
Those who are composites of galactic and human components are a little different. Components is such a thunk of a word, but I’m told that it describes this most accurately. These come together in one of two ways. (There are others, but they are so obscure that for the sake of conversation we’re omitting them.)
A galactic incarnated on Earth and a human have a baby. Spoiler alert if you haven’t seen the second Guardians of the Galaxy. Peter Quinn (Chris Pratt’s character) is a fantastic example of this. His godlike alien dad impregnated a bunch of different species. The pairing on Earth worked. Quinn possesses characteristics from both of his parents.
The other common occurrence is when galactic beings repair humans. We’re all fighting together in this massive cosmic war. If someone is injured on the battlefield (not always literal), the galactics will step in to assist. I can’t think of a specific example off the top of my head, but I’m pretty sure we see this scattered throughout all of Star Trek, which happens to be a retelling of intergalactic history.
Let’s focus on the incarnation into a “human” body with bonus galactic components. Your soul is neither galactic nor human. It stretches beyond those classifications. It’s stardust. They’re smiling as they whisper this to me. Not actual stardust, they want to be clear, but it holds all of the magic that we think of when we use that term.
From what I’ve been shown, most of the folks with galactic aspects of them who are currently here had never planned to return to Earth again. In essence, they came out of retirement because Earth was in such bad shape, and they were needed to retain the stability of the universe. No small feat.
While they are indeed learning and expanding their own consciousness, it’s not really about them. They’re here to pave the way for generations to come. Their presence is also helping to expand Earth’s consciousness so that greater information can be held here. This in turn will allow for the individuals incarnated to hold a higher level of consciousness.
Once these spirits leave Earth, they’re unlikely to ever return. You can feel the collective sigh of relief when they all realize that. Phew. Heavy lifting but once it’s done, it’s done.
The density on this planet can feel excruciatingly suffocating at times for those with this kind of composition. They look forward to returning to a place where the dimensional evolution is more elevated.
Have questions of your own? Drop them in the comments or submit them here.