A while back, I posed a question on Instagram inquiring whether or not people believe the Moon landing to be fake. The answer? A strong majority think it’s a total hoax. Not surprising based on this crowd of leery yet optimistic skeptics.
But here’s the thing about “conspiracy theories,” there’s always a kernel of truth to them. After all, some say that the term was invented by the CIA in order to deter people from looking into the JFK assassination. Seems plausible to me. Whether or not that was the genesis of the phrase, it has gained momentum in its attempt to paint people exploring “invalid” questions in an unflattering light and deter them from any poking.
Makes me wonder — what’s the harm in examining ideas and circumstances if there’s nothing to hide? The truth holds up to inquiry.
For those who have never questioned the Moon landing or haven’t familiarized yourselves with some of the more conspiratorial writings, let’s bring you up to speed on the most widely held theories and where to brush up on them.
The big one is that the Moon landing never happened and was cooked up on a soundstage overseen by Stanley Kubrick on the heels of his wrapping 2001: A Space Odyssey. Rich Cohen does an excellent job of laying out this potential scenario along with a number of other theories and counter arguments in his article How Stanley Kubrick Staged the Moon Landing (with a bonus tie in to The Shining). I’ll let him do the heavy lifting. It reads as a curious yet objective approach without the undertone of dismissiveness that so many writers have.
Here’s a taste of Cohen’s work —
For contrast, I offer you Rolling Stone’s take on this topic, A Brief History of Conspiracy Theories About the Moon Landing by EJ Dickson. Everything about this makes me tighten, even before reading the words. Not an ounce of curiosity to be had.
These are only two of a bevy of articles out there. Skim through the results of a quick search and see what sparks for you. Try it on both Google and an alternate search engine such as Brave to compare what results you receive. I like to pay attention to what’s being suppressed. Don’t tell me what I do or don’t want to know. That’s my call.
Another darker perspective on all things NASA comes from The Vigilant Citizen in the form of the Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches. If you’ve never jumped down a rabbit hole like this, be prepared to be enthralled for the next few hours. Take a walk afterwards. Clear your head. It’s weird stuff even by my standards.
Now back to Cohen because he has some great ways of framing things in his article. He posits the following, “And, though we might be years behind the Soviets in rocketry, we were years ahead in filmmaking. If we couldn’t beat them to the moon, we could at least make it look like we had.”
This line of thinking rings true for me. The galactic beings in my life assure me that the Moon itself is real. I’m relatively certain that we have traveled there and actually do so with frequency. However, it is in no way a stretch to believe that our government might fabricate an aspect of this endeavor.
With the myriad of topics we know the government has actively lied about, why not this too? Did the project run out of funding? Did the timeline of the launch go awry? Was staging a landing, if that was indeed what happened, a way of maintaining the trust of the American people? Ironic if that’s the case.
Theories are fun to spin. Complexity builds intrigue. Elaborate scenarios are harder to disprove because there are so many moving parts. But here’s the real question. Cohen claims Capricorn One was, “probably the best acting work of O.J. Simpson’s career.” Was it though? I have to ask because I’m pretty sure it was either the Naked Gun series or his trial.
Moon landing (and O.J.’s acting career) aside, something has shifted over the past few years regarding how people relate to the Moon. Fascination with the Moon, Full Moon circles, and overall rituals have entered the mainstream. This gives me pause.
When energetic matters enter the zeitgeist, I stop to wonder if there’s more at play. Is it that our energetic understanding has expanded in a way that elevates the Moon’s importance or is there a hint of energetic siphoning? I’m leaning toward the latter.
We’re in the age of spiritual influencers where a recommendation or suggestion can prompt millions to act in a particular way. A Moon ritual can spread like wildfire. If the intention or energy behind that isn’t clean, you’re looking at a massive energetic entanglement.
Gone are the days when the worst thing that could happen from some rogue influencing was simply a pair of Ugg boots ending up in your closet because they were all the rage. The fashion and lifestyle pressures still exist — now with a bonus energetic component. Just as Uggs were legitimately comfy, albeit somewhat hideous, there’s something soothing within these mainstream rituals taking hold.
Except when I feel into these Moon circles and related trends, there’s always a catch. Usually it’s incredibly subtle, so indiscernible that you wouldn’t find it if you weren’t intentionally looking. Much like the bookkeeper who takes .0001% off of every transaction, this is energetic skimming.
They take from people who have an abundance of energy to give, concluding (or at least hoping) that they won’t miss it. That’s theft. It’s one thing to contribute your energy voluntarily and entirely another if it’s being taken without your knowledge or consent.
The “they” in this scenario can be the leader of the ritual or other beings behind the scenes. Tapping into higher consciousness does not mean those beings or energies are benevolent or here for our highest good. If someone is channeling without energetic safeguards, they run the risk of letting unwanted energies come through. Do so from a place of self importance and the likelihood of dicey beings manipulating you increases exponentially.
Now, this is not to say that all moon rituals are siphoning energy. The majority certainly are. Use your discernment. Do you have a nagging feeling that something is off? Then it probably is. Do you feel refreshed and buoyant after interacting with these people? You’re likely in the clear.
How did I get here from Moon theories? Because I’m not alone in my current questioning. I stumbled upon Tony Sayer’s video STOP Worshipping The Moon! MORE New Age Deception! the other day while researching something else. He introduced some new theories, even for me.
Sayer believes that the Moon is evil and is being used against us. He goes on to explain that the Moon is an artificial satellite creating an amplification of a projection from Saturn that creates the Matrix reality on Earth. This reads as a partial truth for me — that we’re not zoomed out enough to see the whole picture and that this is a mere piece of it. But something about the Moon being used against us rings true.
Regardless, it’s always interesting to expose ourselves to new ways of thinking to determine if they reinforce our current beliefs or shift our perspective. Everyone mocked Galileo when he claimed the Earth was round. Now it’s accepted (by most) as an unquestionable fact. Stay open to possibility.
While always subject to change as alien groups disband and regroup, my current theory on the state of the Moon is as follows —
The Moon is the Moon. Neutral. The large mass that we see in the sky performs a delicate dance with Earth that impacts us but not deleteriously. However, and that’s a big however, alien satellite outposts extend from it. They mimic the curvature of the Moon’s surface allowing us to feel them but not see them, a moon shell of sorts.
When the Moon rituals roll around each month, the outposts are in position to block the connection between the Moon and Earth syphoning all of the energy humans are pouring into the lunar worship. Energetic reserves keep them satiated from cycle to cycle but are not yet sufficient to fuel their next wave, whatever nefarious objective that may be.
Essentially they’re trying to get from Maine to California on one tank of gas and keep getting stranded in Denver which prompts them to reground and wait till the next month. Add more Moon worshipers and your energy resources increase. With a few thousand more humans sending energy their way, maybe they stall out in Salt Lake City after an additional handful of tries.
Except this isn’t a roadtrip and the destination isn’t the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It’s likely not a journey at all. Hazarding a guess, I would say that it’s some form of physical destruction. Way too often the end game is Earth’s implosion. The best way to prevent being wiped from existence is to stop feeding them your energy. There’s no need to give or receive energy from the Moon. You’re already complete.
Remember how I started by saying there’s always a kernel of truth even in theories that might sound outlandish? What might that kernel be? There are a lot of dark energies actively manipulating humans these days. Why not leverage the power of the Moon to do so? In the words of Fox Mulder, “The truth is out there.”
At this point, I don’t write anything off as looney and hope you don’t either. Examine it for which aspects feel accurate to you. As your view of the world expands and you receive more context, your beliefs will change. Exposing ourselves to other ways of thinking makes us more engaged with the shifting reality, not less.
So the next time someone tries to shut you down as a crazy conspiracy theorist for being open to alternate versions of the Moon landing say thank you. Translate it to mean you’re an independent thinker who fosters curiosity for what might be — then choose your favorite tinfoil hat for a night on the town.
P.S. Multiple people who I know, like, and trust work at NASA — so by no means do I believe the entire space program is one big hoax. I think that like all aspects of our government, they’re simply not telling us the entirety of what’s really happening.
Does this piece look familiar? It came from the archives of a long forgotten discussion on Instagram. You can find the original here.