The following is adapted from an Instagram Stories series focused on high profile spiritual teachers. If you prefer that format, you can find it here.
Esther Hicks, who channels Abraham, is probably one of the biggest names when it comes to channeling. She’s been offering workshops, lectures, and cruises for decades and has 14.8k followers on Instagram and 768K subscribers on YouTube, a fraction of her actual audience.
I’ve never had any doubt that she was actively channeling. You can feel the palpable shift in energy as Esther goes into a trance and Abraham comes through. But as we’ve discussed many times before, just because something is a higher vibrational energy does not mean that it is benevolent. Yes, that’s foreshadowing.
Esther describes the way she perceives Abraham as such —
In the beginning, because of the thought that was in my mind when I first sat to meditate, I saw them as a dead person that was really smart. And as time has gone on, I’m realizing that they are infinite intelligence and that they are as broad or as deep as the question that is being asked. So they no longer feel like a person to me, like you would talk to your dead father or somebody. They feel like infinite intelligence, although they have very specific personality. I feel their love and their humor.
Watching this segment, my jaw clenches and my cheeks begin to tingle as Esther brings Abraham through, signs that this is not welcomed energy. The longer I watch it, the more tingles there are throughout my body. This indicates to me that manipulation is present.
So I leaned into this. What’s the point in reviewing these if I’m not going to articulate why they feel off for me. I hadn’t watched an Abraham clip in a few years. A lot has changed since then. The energy coming through her channeling feels so creepy. When Abraham first came on screen, I closed the tab. Nope.
I grabbed some water and refilled my coffee (decaf, of course) and reopened it. Watching it with fresh eyes, I found myself completely second guessing the acceptance of the term Source. I’ll save that inquiry for another day.
Listening to Esther describe Abraham as “infinite intelligence,” I can’t help but think of Captain Marvel meeting the Supreme Intelligence, A.I. Leader of Kree Civilization.
Something is not as it seems.
There’s no doubt in my mind that aliens have a hand in the surge in AI that’s currently on the scene.
After spending so much time with the Zahs, I’m struck by how obtuse Abraham’s answers are to many of these questions. The crowd with whom I work, ghost and galactic alike, strives to make the complex easily understood. Granted, this doesn’t always happen. When I channel them, I can feel them sensing into how well they’re being received and if the concepts they’ve delivered have been grasped. They’ll even mention when they know that it didn’t land.
Getting further into this interview, Abraham is being intentionally elusive. When asked directly if he (even though there are multiple energies behind the one) has ever been human, he evades the question, responding, “Well the question has a misunderstanding at its basis that we want to clarify first,” and then goes on to discuss physical versus non-physical.
Why not answer the question? It is possible to have all sorts of physical incarnations that are not human. Many beings have never lived human lives. It’s not a tough question for the majority of the galactic beings I have met.
Abraham started feeling off to me a number of years back. Instead of warm and supportive with a bit of humor thrown into the mix, the responses took on a tone of cutting impatience.
I also began wondering why the message hadn’t evolved even though the energy of the world was changing drastically. What had always felt like clear channeling, started to sound like rote memorization. It was as though Esther was performing an Abraham impersonation.
I thought it was Abraham who had changed. Reviewing this early video, it seems more likely that my discernment and exposure to manipulation has increased allowing me to see these subtleties more readily.
As I’ve become more familiar with the manipulation we’re seeing from aliens, it dawned on me that this has been a long con, not on the part of Esther, but rather the beings she’s channeling that call themselves Abraham. There’s always been an energetic distinction for me between Abraham and the energy of love, even though Abraham claims to be Source energy.
There was a time when I thought pieces of Esther’s work were insightful. Assessing them now, the words sound like a jumble. Words stacked on words so that the listener has nothing specific to question and is led to think that the “insights” are over his or her head. They’re intentionally meant to be unattainable and confusing. What kind of “teaching” is that?
I also need to throw in here that I can’t stand the music. You don’t need music to tell you that something is esoteric. Let the work speak for itself. For those unfamiliar with Hick’s work, this plays at the beginning and end of all of her videos. So grating.
As I thought more about the concept of the long con, it made sense to me that Esther and Jerry (her deceased husband) never objected to copies of their videos popping up everywhere. What better way to spread a message (and an infectious energy) than to let anyone and everyone who wishes to do so create a copy. There are multitudes of dedicated channels repurposing Abraham’s teachings.
We have the animated variety.
Or if you prefer tranquil scenes, that’s an option too.
There never appeared to be any quashing of spin off accounts. Abraham and Esther’s reach far outweighs the follower count and subscribers. Numerous accounts exist on Instagram, YouTube, and other social media platforms that take their work and adapt it into quotes or video snippets.
What a brilliant way to cast the energetic net as widely as possible.
As you know, I’ve been mulling over The Secret and the insidious version of abundance that sprang forth from its popularity. Esther and Abraham were a significant part of the original edit until those clips were removed from the movie.
There’s a whole big debacle and backstory that exists about why she got edited out of more recent versions. I wish I could remember the specifics or pin down a video discussing it. I tried finding one to no avail.
Rewatching The Secret is on my list of future viewings. I haven’t seen it since its original release, and I fell asleep halfway through. I found it that painful. That was 2006. I can only imagine that my dislike of it has increased.
I suspect that my hunch will be proven correct that many of the New Age philosophies I work to unravel are rooted in that movie. They existed long before it aired, but having that many “experts” come together launched the popularity of those beliefs into the mainstream.
What’s being pushed here is the deleterious belief system that if things aren’t happening in your life as you desire, you’ve done something wrong. You’re manifesting your own misery. Your vibration isn’t high enough or pure enough. What bullshit.
This is where things get overbearing and culty for me. Continually refocusing the blame onto you is abusive. If this were a partner relationship, we would see it far more readily. But it’s not. It’s infinite intelligence belittling us instead. Nope. I’m not on board.
Difficult things are going to happen. This does not mean that you’ve done anything wrong. Horrible tragedies will occur in your life. Again, this does not mean that you’ve done anything wrong. Do I need to repeat it one more time for posterity? This does not mean that you’ve done anything wrong. Got it.
Are there times where you’ve set the ball in motion? Absolutely. But remember, without friction there is no growth. So there’s a certain amount of tough stuff that we’re going to encounter. As my favorite church sign of all time read, “Spiritual bodybuilding. Come in for a workout.”
You can’t control what happens in life. You can choose how you respond and react to it.
Months ago, I came across the following video. I tried to track down the original and couldn’t. I believe it has been pulled. If you have a link, please share.
A word on Tony Sayers, whose commentary you will hear. His ability to see through the deception is keen, however, it gets lost in the edge and anger that accompanies the observations. My take is that this is his reaction to the lies that he’s sensing and the danger of these messages.
It’s hard work not to turn jaded and snarky when reviewing this stuff. It taints everything for people who are genuine and interested in the betterment of humanity. So bear that in mind if you listen.
When I first watched this, I thought it was Esther speaking. It wasn’t until the end that I realized it was supposed to be Abraham. Watch the hand wringing as she delivers this message, “The nonphysical energies are pulsating with throngs of energies were at one time doctors and scientists who now stand in their nonphysical being-ness reveling in the brilliance of these vaccines.” I say she, because I’m not convinced this was channeled.
Pay attention to her shaking her head “No,” while saying words in the affirmative. This body language indicates that she does not believe what she is saying, even if she is feigning to be Abraham.
She cleverly never says to take the vaccine. She couches it in being part of the solution so that it is implied, “Because Source Energy is always focused on what is the best for the most.” I immediately wondered how much she had been paid for this endorsement. Knowing full well that social media influencers and celebrities were offered handsome amounts of money to promote this thing, why not recruit those in the spiritual community?
If you’re saying, “No! Libby! They would never pay her to endorse something like that!” I offer you the following —
Then we have the litany of Pfizer commercials littered with celebrities —
I can’t even fathom how much money has gone into ad campaigns in the past three years. Our tax dollars at work.
I was going to leave it at that as it relates to the vaccine until I was sent the following video a few weeks ago. The amount of manipulation happening in the language is staggering. I get royally pissed every time I watch it. Fair warning.
For all of the focus that Abraham puts on tuning into your own energy and ignoring the opinions of others, there’s a lot of stress on what is “best for the most.” To be human is to find a delicate balance between these things. But if you’ve spent any time listening to Abraham, you know that they can get downright mean when convincing a sitter to ignore the opinions of friends and family. By the way, the distancing and separation of an individual for loved ones is another common cult tactic for persuading followers to their way of thinking. Worth mentioning.
This whole setup is a false premise. While claiming that, “We’re not trying to get you to take the vaccination,” the framing is that it’s a mindset issue prohibiting one from taking it. It is your frame of mind that is flawed and inhibiting you from taking it, not anything questionable about the vaccine.
“We don’t think you should, feeling the way that you’re feeling.” Note the passive dismissal of the confidence the question asker has in refraining from taking the vaccine. The inference being, if you could shift how you feel, you should take it. “Esther took it with happiness.” The unspoken, you should too hangs heavy.
The argument doesn’t get any better. I’ve watched this four or five times now and the false analogy of the seatbelt still boggles my mind. I utter, “Wow,” every time. A seatbelt is external to you. It does not alter your physiology. Whether you believe in the efficacy of the vaccine or not, this belief holds true — it changes your physiology. If there were no change, why take it?
This could easily devolve into the focus being a back and forth about vaccines. Tricky. I don’t want that. I hold my beliefs and welcome others to hold theirs.
What the entirety of this argument ignores is the presence of government imposition and overreach. Take the vaccine or don’t. That is your choice. Except it wasn’t. For far too many, the choice was removed because of the penalties not taking it imposed. Abraham deftly evades this with false analogies.
Removal of freedoms is a removal of freedoms no matter how you spin it. Saying, “They didn’t find it to be the limitation to their freedom they once thought it was,” simply affirms that, like the frog in the boiling pot, they were worn down and accepted their fate.
Or put another less gentle way — oh, so the abuser wore them down? They stopped fighting against the restriction of freedoms? They became accustomed to having fewer of them? How do you think Stockholm Syndrome begins? Why do you think POWs slowly lose their fight?
“We’re not saying, let people take your freedom and cope with it.” You 100% are.
Remember how I mentioned that the New Age movement and the Law of Attraction are meant to bind you so that you remain docile? Here it is, in spades. Don’t resist. Resistance is undesirable energy. You’re out of flow if there’s friction. Don’t object.
No! No! No! There is a time and a place to fight with every fiber of your being.
I don’t even feel like getting into the comparison to removing your shoes after 9/11. How is that even the argument? How am I supposed to take this seriously? None of these examples change you physically or are internal to your body in any way. None of them validates the fundamental freedoms that were revoked. None of them addresses the segregation that was imposed. None of them accounts for the removal of medical freedom. None of them touches on the rampant discrimination. All of which I experienced first hand.
Basically they’re validating government overreach by citing more government overreach.
Can we also talk about how condescending Abraham’s tone is throughout all of this? If a human were to speak to me in this way, I would exit the conversation. While continuing to claim that they’re not saying one should take the vaccine, there’s a clear undercurrent that Abraham believes you are an idiot for not taking it.
Wait. Wait. Then we get to the scissors. Isn’t this whole scissors anecdote coming from a fear mindset? Aren’t those feelings on the bottom half of the scale? Now, I don’t buy into the Abraham Hicks hierarchy of emotions (all emotions are valuable), but it’s fair to say that they need to play by their own rules. This is contrary to those. And if Abraham’s premise is that you should follow the rules, which it is, then really this whole anecdote comes down to poor planning on Esther’s part.
Let’s pause the breakdown of this horrendous video to talk a bit more about the hierarchy of emotions pushed by Abraham. While one does not want to dwell in sorrow or anger or depression or rage for years at a time, these are all incredibly necessary emotions. When we start delegitimizing certain emotions, we create internal conflict. You are now at odds with yourself.
That looks like not wanting to acknowledge your grief because it’s on “the bottom half of the scale,” in which case that grief gets stuck in your body having not been metabolized. It’s like what they told us about swallowing gum when we were kids. That gum wad is stuck with us for life.
Talking about a hierarchy of emotions and wanting to focus only on the top ones is like taking away the bass clef in a piano arrangement. Can you imagine Bach with no low notes? How do you build tension? Where’s the contrast? How grating to listen to only the treble clef for multiple movements. That’s what’s being suggested by devaluing the full range of human emotions.
Back to the video around the nine minute mark to which I say, bite me. What Abraham is advocating is that you don’t have to like it. Give away your freedoms.
Saying that, “Every time you push against anything you give away the freedom of alignment with who you are,” isn’t true. Let me rephrase, that’s a blatant lie. Go back to the beginning of this video and revisit how strongly the asker of the question feels about remaining unvaccinated. Tell me that choice isn’t in complete alignment with who she is. It’s the imposition of the mandates that is not in alignment. By all means continue to fight for your freedom. That is truly aligned.
This segment gets me so riled. It’s lies stacked on lies stacked on manipulation and condescension. It’s the equivalent of every drug commercial watching people frolic as the narrator reads the disclosure of the potential side effects. Look at the smiling faces so that you don’t pay attention to the quiet muttering of ”and sometimes death.”
The Path of Least Resistance, a common Abraham theme, reeks of cult programming. A lack of resistance deprives you of building strength. Ask anyone who has ever built muscle or tone. Our energetic bodies need it just as much as our physical ones. But train that out of people and they will never rise up again. How helpful that entire generations of intuitive people have been taught to ignore their internal knowing. Much easier to control that way.
I credit Esther Hicks as one of the people who forged a path to make this work more accepted by “the mainstream.” Was that a double edged sword? Is this why people are so susceptible to energies and beings who wish them harm? Did we accept her work without understanding the necessary parameters? It’s never too late to redefine them.
I get this exact same feeling as you do about Abraham Hicks, but I've never heard anyone else voice this. 🤍