I've received a handful of questions asking how to detach from Joe Dispenza's work and its overly insidious and grabby nature. They sound something like this —
Q | I have read two books of his a while back and did one of his meditations a bit a few years ago. Makes me feel sick that I have allowed that in 😬 Once you’ve opened up to it, is there any way to get rid of?
Or this —
Q | My friend went on a meditation weekend and has been angry, furious, the whole week. She feels like it might be a collective energy instead something of her own. She keeps saying 'in spite of the meditation' but I sense maybe 'because of the meditation'. If something attached to her, could she simply state very clearly to get out? Or how does this work 😄
A | While Dispenza is by far one of the most dangerous people that I've reviewed to date, the following approach is applicable to sever the ties between you and anyone who is trying to sink their nasty hooks into you. Gauge how deeply an individual or his work has attached to you, and sculpt your plan of action from there.
An interesting side note. The voracity of the perpetrator does not always directly correlate to how much of a hold someone can have over you. Someone with very little power can still devastate a client or follower if the right window of opportunity opens. Those of us who are energetically potent are often targets for those who wish to usurp or syphon our power or energy. This can come in the form of friends or family in addition to spiritual guides and teachers.
Trust your energy.
If something feels off, it likely is. You may not understand the ins and outs of why. That's not necessary. You can still detach and walk away.
Chances are at some point you didn't do that. Yeah, same here. We've all fallen into one trap or another over the years. That's how we learn. Don't beat yourself up over it. That only accelerates the quicksand. Recognize what snagged you so that you don't fall prey to it again. Growth! Progress! Learning!
Here's my suggested course of action should you find yourself in the clutches of someone who has attached to your energy in an unwanted way.
Stop Engaging with the Work
This may sound obvious, but often it isn't. Stop listening to the meditations. Turn off the latest video. Unfollow the person on social media. Block them.
When my grandma was in the middle stages of Alzheimer's, we gave her the simplest answering machine we could find. One silver dollar sized button read “Play.” That was the entirety of the interface.
"Watch this!" she exclaimed in exasperation as we greeted her for a visit. She marched us over to the answering machine and hit the grey button. "Look! It won't stop," she lamented while punching play yet again. "See." Play was activated once more.
In her confused state, it was impossible for her to understand that the only way to make the machine stop was to cease hitting that button. We took the answering machine home with us later that evening.
Many people are continuing to press play while wondering why nothing is changing. They're reactivating the connection with each engagement and interaction. Stop. That's part of the problem.
Check for Implants
Before you panic because what I'm about to describe sounds so unpleasant, know that you really only need to be on the lookout for this type of stuff if it's causing havoc in your life. Much like shrapnel, energetic implants and alien devices can stay lodged in your system for years without impacting you. Your body knows how to isolate them and protect you from their deleterious effects.
However, that can change.
Shifts in your life might surface these objects, and yes, sometimes even alien beings. They can lie in wait for years before their effects are evident. Interactions with people who have ill intentions or are energetically in over their heads is often where these come from initially — energy work, body work, physical interactions, sex, transference from gifts and objects.
Folks like Dispenza knowingly implant these into those who participate in their meditations and workshops. It's part of how he — and those like him — syphons energy. Others are the unwitting pawns in this cosmic battle of good and evil. Then there's a lot of grey area in between.
The majority of this stuff sloughs off naturally or lacks a compatible frequency to affix in the first place. Keeping your energy flowing is the best deterrent there is. When that falls short, that's when some assistance to oust this crap is likely needed. We'll tackle those ins and outs as a separate discussion.
Lastly, even when all of this crud is removed, there might be a sticky residue left in its wake. Don't overlook that aspect as a way that the aliens and demons continue to influence or track you. They're jerks like that.
Destroy the Materials
While I'm not generally a proponent of burning books, I am in this case. Dispenza's work aims to destroy people. He syphons energy from one portion of his followers and redirects it to a select few, all while taking a cut for himself. The vulnerable are his prime target.
Start a bonfire and toss his writing into the flames.
This goes for all associated notes and materials as well. Burn. Burn. Burn.
Halt! You're going to want to set things ablaze outdoors so that the energy is not circulating in your home. Bleh. Avoid letting it seep into the couch and the carpet. If burning things outside with plenty of fresh air to move the energy along isn't feasible, tear. In this case, tearing apart the book or papers is preferable to burning. Alternately, you could send them to the shredder. Bvvrrrrzzzz. That's the noise of the industrial teeth ripping it to pieces.
Go Create Something
While wading through the sludge that is Joe Dispenza's energy, I found myself in need of an antidote so that I didn't become weighed down by mere examination of his work. Even picking up a marker for some inconsequential doodling did the trick. Making something with my own two hands dissolved some of the ick that this awful man left on me. (A shower can also be a fine solution.)
Evil abhors creativity and creation.
It's no wonder. They seek to destroy. Exploration and ingenuity are the very antithesis of how they move through this world. So do more of it. Follow what sparks your curiosity. Connect to the natural world. Start the hobby that you've been contemplating for years.
Finding a catalyst and outlet for your joy works wonders. It often eclipses the need to ever pick up a book by a charlatan like Dispenza in the first place.
Obviously this list is not exhaustive. It offers a tangible place to start. If you've encountered stubborn and clingy energy from cretans, what was your approach? How did you break free from this ick?
Wishing you an unencumbered path free from these hurdles.