Today we’re going to talk about walkins. No, not that kind. WalkINs not WalkENs.
There are many ways to write this term. I prefer ‘walkin’ because energetically it’s closest to how the soul exchange feels. You may also see it as ‘walk-in’ or ‘walk in.’ Dealer’s choice. I’ll try to keep it consistent.
The message that originally kicked off this discussion was the following —
Q | Are you familiar with this woman - JKultra on TikTok and now working a bit with House in Habit? I just happened to see her stories today and she’s saying she’s a walk in. I feel like in one of your IG lives (maybe 6 mos ago) you mentioned that more walk ins would be coming in as more souls are ready to exit. Would love to hear your thoughts on this if it interests you.
My response was, "Oh man, there’s some seriously unsettling stuff happening here. Let me sit with it and see how to best approach it. I’m 100% getting myself blocked by delving into it. 😬 Worth it." So discuss it we shall.
Here's the Instagram Reel sent to me accompanying the exchange.
This is the video of Jennifer Carmody's full account of discovering that she's a walkin.
Some things you should know.
one | I no longer follow House Inhabit. The tone of her work changed, in my opinion, or maybe I did. Either way, it stopped being a fit for me.
two | The name JK Ultra rubs me the wrong way. I get that it’s a play on words of MKUltra — but an insensitive one at that. I’m not here to police language. Call yourself whatever you want. Know that to me this comes across as something akin to titling your account “a spiritual lobotomy.”
three | Jennifer Carmody’s work (JK Ultra) gives me the creeps. There’s the equivalent of an energetic buzzsaw running in the background of her videos. Whether intentionally or not, it’s meant to split your energy apart. Plus, I struggle to get through even ten seconds of her videos because of the cadence of her voice.
four | Periodically, I get nervous that I’m a big bulldozer. I’m not.
I know that people send things my way because they want an explanation and breakdown of why things feel off. Some days I feel like all I do is tear things down. I’m really just shining a bright, bright light on them. Not my fault if all the cockroaches in the kitchen scurry. These things need to be exposed and dismantled.
Galactic Walkins
So let’s start with how I perceive and define walkins. In its purest state, a walkin is one soul vacating the body and a different soul coming to inhibit it — think hermit crabs and their shell swapping.
Now, there are a lot of permutations of this based on the run-amuck nature of our current energetic climate. We’ll cover them all (and then more because I’m certain you’ll unearth some scenarios I have yet to ponder when you send your questions).
This might also be a good time to revisit the difference between a galactic and an alien.
In essence, a galactic being is one who is here to support Earth and the inhabitants of this planet. On the flip side, aliens are angling for our destruction. Bear this in mind.
With galactic walkins, the initial soul willingly leaves the body. Most commonly, I see this with traumatic injuries. The soul does a bit of a 'peace out' because the magnitude of whatever happened is more that it can bear. (I’m calling all souls 'it' for ease of communicating these ideas, but know that they correspond to the gender of the person. We’ll address how this pertains to trans identities in a minute.)
If the body is still viable, galactics get the original soul to sign off on another soul taking its place. This is one of many ways to seed galactic information onto our planet. Plus, why let a perfectly good body go to waste?
The new soul has access to all of the memories of that individual. The vast majority of people in that person’s life won’t even notice the change. If they do, they’ll attribute it to the accident or changes in preferences that come with age.
Those who are highly attuned will note the original energetic imprint with a new one overlaid. Picture walking along the beach making footprints. The person behind you comes along and tries to step exactly where you have tread. If done well, two different sets of footprints appear as one. It takes someone with a keen eye to spot the difference.
Galactic walkins are also intentionally trying to keep things as cohesive as possible. The choice to use that specific body tends to coincide with desirable traits like career, social circle, prominence, family, and other aspects of how that person blends into the world.
For instance, placing a galactic walkin in a family that is supportive and open to the possibility of life outside of human existence is an incredibly favorable environment for a nonhuman. That then offers many other advantages as the walkin moves through the world.
Galactics from across the universe use this technique. It’s thoughtful and coordinated and never, ever, ever goes against the wishes of the original soul. (This aspect is important to remember when we switch to the dynamic of alien walkins.) Souls transition seamlessly when they choose to leave.
Alien Walkins
Alien walkins are a whole different beast. They displace unwilling souls or keep them captive in their bodies. We’re talking full on opportunism. What’s that Ariana Grande song? I googled it. Ah, the song is 7 rings and says "I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it." That’s what’s happening here.
Taking over these bodies is usually for the same list of reasons that galactics choose to inhabit. There’s something about that person’s life or trajectory that suits their motives. Now, there’s also the scenario where a human makes a Faustian deal with aliens to let them use his or her body.
Typically for wealth or fame or fortune (is that just wealth again?), a human will put his or her body on loan for the aliens to do with it as they see fit. This can be for the short term or the long term. Should we play Name That Alien where you send me names and I tell you if they’re human, alien, or a walkin?
In the case of alien walkins, it is never by choice. The original souls are usually trapped in the body or in a limbo state and often in agony. An alien being is moving through the world impersonating that individual but doing so in his or her own body. Personality shifts tend to be incredibly notable.
An Uptick in Deaths
We’re seeing a marked uptick in deaths, a trend I sense will continue. I talked to my undertaker, coroner, funeral director friend last week who said he’s held more funerals this summer than is at all typical. There are a few major reasons for this. The big one is that death contracts are no longer fixed. They’re up for negotiation, meaning our departure from this life is no longer predetermined.
We can convene those who have a vested interest in our existence on this planet and discuss where we can have the most impact. It might not be here in a human body. That’s what was decided with my mom. Many souls are realizing they can support what is happening from other dimensions far more effectively than they can here.
Let me be clear. I’m not talking suicide. There are circumstances of death that have people clocking out early. Those bodies either expire or are up for grabs to be used as walkins.
Yes, I also think that adverse reactions to the vaccines are contributing to this. From an alien perspective, this is likely by design. Injury also makes it easier to take control of a body unwillingly.
Bear in mind that many of the alien groups attacking our planet cannot set foot here. Therefore they find loopholes and workarounds. They rely on their consciousnesses inhabiting human bodies. Our galactic allies don’t have those restrictions.
Trans Souls
Since we’re talking about souls, I want to take a minute to discuss how I perceive the energetic resonance of transgender individuals. This is based on reading the energetic signatures of people I have met in my life as well as those in the public eye.
Before the popularity boom of being transgender, what I saw was a soul bleed from a past lifetime. Two spirits were vying for the same space. Let’s parse out the distinction. Spirits are subsets of the same soul as actualized through different lifetimes. In essence a past life and a current life both want to inhabit the same body.
When the past life and the current life are different sexes, the identity of the individual can get confusing. The version meant to occupy the body in this lifetime can feel wrong as the other incarnation bleeds through. It literally feels like you’re two different people.
Yes, I think this can also be a contributing factor with schizophrenia, though my read is that ghost clutter and interference influences that perception on the world. When you can’t determine where you end and others begin (living and dead), the world is a confusing place.
The reason I distinguish transgender identities before and after the popularity boom, is that energetically there’s been a shift. The people who are experiencing the past life bleeds are few relative to the general pool of people identifying as trans. What I perceive with the expanded numbers in this community is a group of folks struggling to sort out their identities and grasping onto this as a possibility.
Where once we say kids experiment with being Goth, now we see them reach for the Trans community as a place to find acceptance or try on a persona different from their own — Goth being one example of many. So for me there’s a distinction between those who are experiencing a soul split and those who are trying to find themselves.
Of This Earth
There’s one more permutation I want to address about the dynamic of aliens and galactics on Earth. Some folks are born with galactic or alien encoding. Think galactic center with a gushy human shell. Same goes for the alien-human versions. It’s not quite so this and that. The cosmic components are intertwined with the human ones. I’m intentionally avoiding the term hybrid as that has its own connotations.
This is relevant because we’re seeing a lot of galactic kiddos showing up on Earth. These are primarily galactic beings who are taking a pause in their galactic lives to come to Earth to assist us or to help divert or prevent calamity that is slated to happen on their planets of origin. Yep, that’s a lot to house in a tiny human body. These kids are going to need our support.
As you can see, not all alien and galactic presence is a result of walkins. There are direct soul implants as well as the mating of humans and galactics or humans and aliens. Scifi has not steered us wrong on these possibilities.
My Assessment of JK Ultra
Okay. Now that we’ve set the stage, shall we delve into the videos from JK Ultra? I want to start by revisiting my observation about the fractured energy therein.
Here’s what I mean by the energetic hatchet job that her work does on you. Her Reels are spliced in a way that makes it reminiscent of actual MK Ultra manipulation and programming intended to fracture people’s psyches. There’s enough of that happening as is, I don’t need to intake more intentionally.
These videos aren’t to be digested and understood. You’re not meant to garner deeper understandings and insights from watching them. They’re disruptors, setting your nervous system on edge.
Back to the one that prompted the discussion on walkins.
It’s taken me no fewer than eight tries to get through it. All I want to do is turn it off. I adore you folks though so we’re going to do this! I don’t actually have a lot of notes on this video. It’s overly simplistic, as is the norm for TikTok videos. It’s not wrong, but it’s not right.
One of my biggest complaints in this arena is people who are regurgitating information from other sources. In this case, we’re hearing citation and summarization of Dolores Cannon’s work. While Cannon paved the way for more ‘mainstream’ acceptance of these concepts, in many ways, her work is woefully outdated. It’s possible that it was accurate and relevant at the time. It isn’t now.
But if you’re not relying on first hand experience or your own perception, how would you ever know that? The energies are evolving at such a rapid rate that some of this information changes daily or weekly. Plus!!! We shifted into the fourth dimension a few months back. That certainly has impacted the dynamics of everything we’re encountering.
I also want to make a constructive note for anyone recording videos and posting them to the internet. Look at the camera not at yourself on screen. This engages the viewer. You make eye contact. It feels like you’re looking at me, not at my chest. My eyes are up here! It’s a small change but oh so impactful.
This is the follow up video to that last one — Part 27 - beyond walk-ins… the multi faceted soul.
To my ear, what Dolores Cannon is describing in her book, as read to us by JK Ultra, are either implants of alien devices or additional souls that have attached. Neither of these things is desirable. They're impinging on the original soul and impeding its ability to move through the world.
Now let's get to the laundry list of red flags (as the kids say) for the activities surrounding this information and JK Ultra’s more recent experiences. (She shared about them in her Instagram Stories yesterday which is how all of this surfaced in the first place.)
Here’s the link to the full YouTube video — I Discovered I'm a Walk-In! Alien Soul Exchange: My Extraordinary Journey. I haven’t watched it. I don’t plan on it. If I really, really need to in order to further this discussion, let me know. I’ll hunker down and find a way through it. I would love to keep the focus here on walkins instead of an energetic breakdown Jennifer Carmody's body of work.
That said, JK Ultra has roughly 500k followers on TikTok and is being promoted by House Inhabit who has 1.2M on Instagram. So maybe it’s worth dissecting the video. You tell me.
Update: As of republishing this a year and a half after it was originally written, Jennifer Carmody of JK Ultra has 686.7K followers on TikTok, 59.9K followers on Instagram, and 3.7K+ subscribers on Substack. She is promoted by Jessica Reed Kraus of House Inhabit who has 1.3M followers on Instagram and 426.9K+ subscribers on Substack.
I think we can cover the big bucket issues from the screenshot alone. For starters, ayahuasca and other psychedelics let in all sorts of unsavory crap into your energy field. I say this as someone who has helped remove some really awful things from people — attachments and lurkers that have been there for decades. This stuff is so dangerous. (Read these two essays if you want my full thoughts.)
When we alter our energetic field in those ways, aliens take every opportunity to exploit that. This means that if something has entered during an ayahuasca trip, it’s probably bad news. Additionally, the information you receive during those 'journeys' is wholly unreliable. Those entities will manipulate you and tell you what they think you need to hear in order for you to do their bidding. Not cool.
Now add to that the layer of past life regressions. I’ve said it before and will say it again. Do not go searching for past lives. If there is something relevant about a life you have lived, it will find you. Poking and prodding throughout lifetimes almost always spells trouble. Again, I say this having seen these explorations seriously mess up people’s lives.
The amount of energetic awareness one needs to lead someone down that path is lacking in the majority of people who dabble in these areas. Yes, I say dabble. The practitioners don’t understand their energy well enough to have control of the situation, much less that of the beings around them or the energy of the client. They’re weak little pawns compared to the powers that the aliens inserting themselves into this work possess. While the intentions might be good, they’re out of their depths.
A former friend of mine once came to me with a story of how her massage therapist, Katie, had removed a client's soul and replaced it with another one during a massage. I lost it. Katie had orchestrated luring the client’s soul out of the body, pretty much without the client knowing and had invited a new one in who happened to be lurking around the room during this treatment. What!?!?
I was livid. I explained to my then friend how invasive this was and that it was spiritual assault. Meanwhile, my former friend thought it was so cool. You can see where the friendship began to split apart.
This stuff isn’t child’s play. It’s not fun and games. There are very real consequences. Danger. Danger. Danger. Did I mention — danger!!
I feel similarly about hypnosis as I do about past life regressions. There’s been such a surge in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and amateur hypnotists that the field has become dangerous. There are phenomenal practitioners out there, but they are few and far between. I wish that weren’t the case, but it is. One weekend course does not qualify you to work in such complex fields.
When I say this is dangerous territory, I’m referring to the fact that people can have full on psychotic breaks. Their lives can take a deleterious turn. Health conditions can riddle their bodies. None of it is good. And yet, it’s somehow still approached as though it’s all fun and games.
If you’re meant to explore other lifetimes, those connections and practitioners will fall into your lap. You’ll feel the ease and resonance of your ties to those individuals. Their words and work will make you feel lighter and more attuned to yourself. Your body will relax. You’ll know.
The same goes for if you’re a walkin or a galactic being. You will know. It might take you a while to understand, but you’ll feel the truth in your acknowledgement. Let it come to you. Don’t be grabby. There aren’t a ton in our age bracket, by the way, so be leery about all of the folks who claim to be ‘starseeds.’ They’re not. It’s mostly little ones these days who come with this energetic encoding.
One of the big risks of psychedelics and past life regressions is that you’re faced with complexities beyond your current scope. You are not equipped to deal with them. You’ve overdriven your headlights. Come back to being okay with where you are. Your energetic path will expand as you are ready. There’s absolutely no need to rush it. Starting college as an eleven year old doesn’t seem like a great plan, but that’s what you’re attempting. Enjoy middle school. That’s a sentence I never thought I would utter. Embrace where you are. It’s perfectly timed.
Now for Some Questions
I cannot express the intensity of the ear ringing that accompanied putting these slides together. That’s an indicator for me that information is there for me to receive. It’s a bit like having my psychic phone ring.
Try as I might, the ringing won’t come into focus to translate into words. There’s a possibility that it’s everyone awaiting the questions and responses to what I have written. It feels like something more. What that might be, I do not know.
Identifying Walkins
Spot on. A walk in does not seek attention by identifying as such. One is wholly devoted to service under the radar.
I can say pretty definitively that anyone broadcasting that they’re a walkin or a 'starseed' or whatever new term people invent for this stuff, they are not. I return to my tried and true favorite explanation of this. If you have to tell me that you are famous, you’re probably not. If you have to tell me that you are funny, again, this would be self-evident. No broadcasting is required. The same goes for the walkin and 'starseed' stuff.
There’s one exception. I do believe that at times, people’s souls yell out for assistance. Announcing to the internet that you’re a walkin may be that energetic call for help in order to get an alien consciousness dislodged from your system. It all depends on what you choose to do next.
Also I think ppl seek these things out thinking they will find a vastly different version of themselves - but what I think is possible is that we are exactly who we are at the core no matter the lifetime. Like when we are ten we think “what will I feel like or look like when I’m twenty?” Then we hit twenty and we feel exactly the same as we did when we were ten (with more life experience and a more complex understanding of things) but Our lens never changes.
I like to think that as we age we become more 'us' versions of ourselves. We get clearer on who we actually are and who we want to be. Friends from my youth have recently been joking that I do not age. Another friend sent me a photo from our high school MORP (that's prom backwards). It was art school. We couldn’t have something as mainstream as prom.
How do we know if our kiddos are walkins and how as a parent can we help them?
There are a lot of moms with galactic kiddos around here. I exchange messages about this regularly. A few alien kiddos are in the mix as well. My response to this actually runs counter to what I just said about adults claiming these labels.
If you’re a mom wondering if your kid is a galactic or a walkin, the answer is probably yes. These kids move through the world differently. The ones currently incarnating come packed with knowledge beyond what most people can comprehend. It’s why they chose you.
Even if you don’t understand everything your child is bringing with him or her from other planets or galaxies, you’re open. The fact that you’ve read this whole thread and are engaging with my work tells me that in spades. You’re willing to explore the unknown with your kid and offer support when the world at large does not understand.
Trust your instincts about how to foster these knowings and abilities above all else. Do not bend to how society tells you to raise your kid. These little ones are built differently. They’re not human, or at least not entirely. Most of them have a human component to their genetics, somewhere between 10-30%. They will not react the same way as a fully human kid.
My best advice on how to support them is to listen. Learn to filter imagination from otherworldly knowings. That sounded loftier than I intended. Basically, are they making this up or are they remembering. You’ll get a feel for the difference. The energetic frequency differs greatly.
Ask questions. Let them know that they are safe. Many of them have come from planets that have been ravaged. Memories of that seep through and can be wholly disorienting to a kid. When these moments happen, let the galactic family of your little one know that it’s too much. Ask for their love and support. They have tricks up their sleeves beyond what we can do.
Develop solid energetic hygiene and boundaries for your home. Sit down together and decide who gets in and who stops at the door. When I was still trying to get a handle on which ghosts were comfortable to have around, I had a strict friends and family only policy. If I hadn’t known you in life, you were not invited into my home. There were a few exceptions for those in my family lineage. The same works for galactic beings.
Set your house rules and then change them as necessary. None of this is set in stone. If things feel too loose or too strict, adjust accordingly.
One last thing to remember. Your kids are probably more sensitive than their peers. They’re literally wired differently. This applies across the board — foods, people, environments, programming, energy, medications, and the list goes on. You’ll have a sense of when it’s childhood exaggeration and when the world is overwhelming. Trust yourself to know how to best support your child in that moment. It’s going to differ for everyone.
You’re also able to help expand that threshold so that his or her nervous system can take on a greater capacity without wilting or collapsing like a cheap table with too much placed onto it. Again, this is incredibly personal. The shared thread is titration — bit more then a bit more then a bit more, and suddenly the capacity is beyond anything you could have imagined.
Are you saying the galactic kids come to earth to help earth so that their planet is helped later or as byproduct? I was thinking they were simply helping earth.
That’s one of the many reasons that they choose to incarnate in bodies here. Earth is a linchpin of the greater cosmos. What happens here has a larger ripple effect than we realize. I’ve been shown quite a bit about this and it still boggles my mind.
There are others who are here, incarnated and in their galactic bodies for the primary reason of helping Earth and keeping it from imploding.
Do people around the person with a walk-in sense a change in the person? Or is it seamless?
This question predates today’s discussion and has mostly been addressed. I want to tack one more thing onto the explanation. The phrase, “He’s a whole different person,” is almost always a tell that there is a walkin or that an unwanted entity has been expelled from the body.
I 100% believe this. Years ago after my personal experience with my daughters past life bleeding (great term, permission to use?) through and scaring her into believing we would all die in a fire except her. I began to think that trans children would benefit from a regression session to release that part or more so allow the current consciousness to become aware, that the old identity is no longer part of who they currently are. However, sadly in the current landscape I would not dare enter that arena
As the Indigo Girls put it —
And then I think about my fear of motion
Which I never could explain
Some other fool across the ocean years ago
Must have crashed his little airplane
I think there are elements of past lives that bleed through for all of us on some level. My mom’s fear of heights was explained when the galactics told her that she had died ages ago by falling off a watch tower only to stay alive and die an excruciating death over the course of many days. Yeah, that would put you off of high buildings.
Having such vivid memories, like that of the fire, would be an example of when a past life is waving its arms wildly and indicating that you need to address it. It has found you. You didn’t go looking for it.
Something tells me Lady Gaga is an alien walkin. She’s been off for too long, and FAME is all she’s after.
Oh, most definitely… or did she sell her soul? Hard to tell.
What do you think of Dolores Cannon’s work?
At some point, I will do a dedicated breakdown on her. Until then, here are my short form thoughts. She was groundbreaking in being one of the first folks to talk about this kind of stuff openly, particularly for a large audience. That said, most of her work is woefully outdated but still referenced as cutting edge.
The landscape has changed.
There’s much more alien interference than there was when she began. Nothing in her work encourages discernment or screening to assess the inventions and validity of the information ascertained in regression sessions. That’s dangerous.
Plus, I can’t unsee some of the observations that my mom made when watching Dolores Cannon interviews for the first time. My mom got so riled watching Cannon check her watch repeatedly throughout the entire Q&A. It gave the impression that she had better places to be. That coupled with the intense slouching and general tone of disinterest didn’t sit well with my mom. There’s a lifeless quality to how Cannon delivers information, as though she’s repeated it so many times she’s over it. If that happens, it’s time to get out of the game.
Haha I love your moms take on her!
I have an acquaintance that trained with the Cannon institute and agreed to go to one of her group sessions. As soon as I heard her say “We invite ANYONE who wants to assist in this healing session, Ancestors, Aliens, Angels, Galactics” I thought, Nope Nope shields up!
Case in point. I’m also fascinated that JK Ultra adores Dolores Cannon's work as much as she does. She references it repeatedly throughout a lot of her videos. Something about that doesn’t sit well with me.
Representations in Media
Just dawned on me - have we discussed Travelers? The basic concept is people from the future take over someone’s body in the past right at the moment they would have died (they have all the historical records for accuracy and since they were gonna die anyway, they don’t feel it’s an invasion) in order to complete missions to help avoid a catastrophic event. I won’t say more but def add to your list if you haven’t watched. Netflix I think.
I have indeed watched the entire series. It’s an excellent depiction of hopping into someone else’s life and body. Take it all with a grain of salt, obviously. It definitely can help in a greater understanding of how this works and the complexities of stepping into another person.
Have you seen the show crowded room? I feel like the multiple personalities is this or a version of this!
This one I have not seen. Amanda Seyfried is not my favorite actress so I tend to avoid things in which she is featured. I made a huge exception for The Dropout. Her portrayal of Elizabeth Holmes appropriately had my skin crawling.
Have you read The midnight Library? Would these be like sliders?
Oh, I don’t know this one. It sounds like something worth adding to my reading list though!
House Inhabit
Whatttt? House in habit is collab ing w a walk-in?
Well, when you put it that way — but also, yes.
I am curious about why you don’t follow House-inhabit. I do, yet so often I am confused by her, what I might call, indirect communication. She seems to kind of stir the pot on lots of issues and then drops one to focus on another, with no closure.
Since I’ve been asked, I’ll go into a bit more detail about why I stopped following her.
I found House Inhabit during the aftermath of Astroworld. I appreciated the way she consolidated information and curated videos that I wasn’t seeing elsewhere. Her coverage of the Maxwell trial and the Depp/Heard trial offered a perspective outside of the mainstream narrative, again something I appreciated. I didn’t need to agree with her point of view, which I often didn’t.
Then she started reporting on things that I really don’t care about. The Queen. The Coronation. The Moscow murders. I was still following, figuring I would wait it out until something sparked my interest again.
Then the tone changed. A hostility and frustration crept into her work. She repeatedly stated that she wouldn’t entertain additional perspectives. It was phrased differently, but that was the gist. That really rubbed me the wrong way. Here was someone who claimed to be bucking exactly that.
I also started sensing that she wanted to be the focus of the attention instead of her reporting being front and center. Cool. Fine. Not why I’m here. When she inserted herself into the Jonah Hill text uproar, I bailed. It came across as clout chasing and wanting to prove how important she was. At that point I unfollowed.
For anyone who still finds her work riveting, excellent! We’re not all built the same. Keep enjoying it! We don’t have to agree.
The Dangers of Ayahuasca
Ayahuasca is a no no?
In my opinion, yes. Ayahuasca is a HUGE no. It opens you up to some really unsavory things. I’ve seen all host of nasty crap attach to people. Sometimes it takes years to realize that was the culprit. Then when you energetically trace it back, boom.
The other issue is that it catapults you beyond what you’re equipped to handle energetically. Yes, you’ve just opened yourself up to incredible worlds of information, but you’re not ready. If you were, it would have happened without the intervention.
The white shamans leading ayahuasca ceremonies is also a big ick for me. They’ve taken something native to the land and exploited it for consumerism. I lived in Peru for six months after college improving my Spanish and learning traditional weaving techniques from the Quechuan locals. These are some of my favorite people in the whole wide world. I have an incredible respect for their culture, land, and traditions.
Not once in my time there did I hear any Peruvian mention ayahuasca. It has risen to prominence through the festival spiritual scene. What’s one more drug to add into the mix?
Peru is scattered with galactic civilizations that remain to this day running parallel to what we can see as they exist in other dimensions. I love watching them move about amongst the ancient ruins. Under the right conditions with the right shaman buried deep in the Amazon rainforest, I might see the value in engaging with ayahuasca. But I don’t trust some guy named Paul living in St. Pete, Florida who dubbed himself a shaman two years ago.
Update from 2024 Libby here. I'm withdrawing my slight consideration of ayahuasca having value. The energetic scene is too fraught as the cosmic battles rage. There's no reason to risk it.
Ayahausca…. really??? Didn’t we learn anything in the 60’s and 70’s? I guess she’s too young to know anything about those times. I think my objection is the over glorification of a drug, perhaps partially because it sounds exotic and oh so special
I had to laugh at this message because I had literally just sent this response to someone…
Argh, ayahuasca again arising as a dangerously destabilizing factor. Horrible.
If anyone has additional insights into the origins of this popularization, I’m all ears. I see it pushed by folks like Aubrey Marcus and others in that crowd. They seem like late stage adopters though who jumped on the bandwagon once it was already popularized. Thoughts?
I want to say the Blu of Earth highlight covers some of this too since she also advocates for ayahuasca use and travels (or at least did) in the same circles as Marcus. The highlight got really cranky with how it saved things so apologies if there are gaps in the slides. I tried to fix it but couldn’t.
Don't watch. Absolutely nothing of substance. I listened while driving and was bored out of my mind. I actually drowned out part of it with my own voice to override her getting access to my energy. She promotes the specific Ayahuasca place a lot and talks of the cleanliness of the mattresses, throw up buckets and toilet paper rolls at each mattress. (so weird to highlight!) Also, she says that the woman who interviews her under hypnosis for her IG live is certified in QHHT, Dolores Cannon's thing. She talks in spirals and bring up things that are irrelevant like could her niece be her own reincarnated original soul? Spoiler she's not, but viewers have to sit through the whole what if story. Overall she feels like a spiritual newbie excitedly namedropping people (Dolores Cannon) and places (Rhythmia) without knowing they don't hold the real energetic weight.
Thank you for this glorious video breakdown of JK Ultra’s experience with ayahuasca so that none of us has to watch. However, if this sounds like a good time to you, here’s the link. Also, how has something that induces this much vomit become so popular!? I’m truly mystified.
The vomiting is for the witchcraft to be more potent with a completely empty vessel. In the same way that fasting is used to achieve clarity witchcraft, demonology etc uses it in the reverse, in the same way it does with other traditions
An empty vessel is far easier to overtake & occupy. Also the trauma of the intense vomiting can lead to an out of body experience to escape the agony- another open door for the shamans familiars to enter
Oh heavens. This makes it even worse.
The part that may interest you or at least interests me to know if this is possible is that she says her former soul is reincarnated and that it's possible to meet them in this life and that they could be born into your family to complete a karmic cycle. Is this true, do souls that leave through a walkout exchange reincarnate?
Alright. This makes no sense to me, and I don’t think it’s just a disconnect of terminology. Your soul is your soul. Each lifetime is a subset of that big soul bucket. I refer to those as spirits, though I got sloppy with my walkin descriptions in order to try to match the existing nomenclature.
Your spirit is what is in your body while you are incarnated. The soul is the container that holds all of those different spirits. Think of it like a thread coming down that attaches to a specific lifetime. Yes, there can be multiple spirits for the same soul incarnated simultaneously. We tend to see this with folks who have left a significant mark on this planet — Einstein, Tesla, Lincoln, and so on. These souls understand the complexity of energy and how to run parallel lives without anything fracturing.
Where that summary really loses me is the two spirits incarnating in close proximity and meeting as part of a single family. No. I get a bunch of ghosts shaking their heads at me in exasperation for the lack of understanding that humans sometimes have. They want to make sure that I don’t sugarcoat this.
What you’re describing is wishful thinking on her part and a desire to make herself more important than she is. Woah, harsh ghost explanations.
They also really object to the term walkout. Didn’t see that coming. They say that it implies that a spirit (subset of the soul) didn’t complete his or her obligations — not the case. The departure was a mutual decision between the individual and a whole counsel weighing in on his or her fate. I suspect that you used that term for ease of explanation not anticipating it would get a rise out of those helping me with these responses.
Anyway, leaving a body and having a walkin occupy it does not impact reincarnation.
Ok on to JK Ultra (I too shudder at that name)
I followed her through HIH but couldn’t watch her videos. Her voice grated my ears, I didn’t unfollow and a few weeks later an announcement of a live session with a QHHT Therapist got my interest as I get the “Abraham hicks” feeling around this work.
I watched it and here’s my take on JK.
Everything she posts she’s researched, read through books, papers etc making her seem an expert on the matter. However she’s not “experiencing” them she’s regurgitating. I’ve experienced many people under a hypnotic state and they have all spoken differently to how they speak normally, one could argue that she’s used to this type of hypnotic questioning so blends easily, however I was watching for specific energetic tells of “experience” and couldn’t see them. I believe she was saying what fits her narrative, I also believe the therapist knew it too. I didn’t unfollow as out of curiosity I wanted to see what came next, low and behold…ayahuasca retreat! The phrase “Chasing Rainbows “ just popped into my head as I sent that. See what you make of that.
I can’t. Of course there’s an ayahuasca retreat. Please note that this response is also written by someone well versed in past life regressions whose opinion I trust.
According to some googling, we’re talking between $3500 to $6500 for the week, depending on lodging. Everything is included except the ayahuasca ceremony.
Update: 2024 Libby here again. Hello! The base price at Rythmia now starts at $4,900.
Let's break this group down for a minute because a few of these people give me great pause right off the bat.
First we have Michael Beckwith, founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, who is also listed as one of Rythmia's "Spiritual Partners." If his name sounds familiar, it's because he was heavily endorsed by Oprah for years as part of the Super Soul Sunday crowd. She is currently quoted front and center on his homepage. We all know how I feel about Oprah's discernment (or complete lack thereof) so his career launching in part because of her is highly suspect. She has been funneling people toward very dangerous 'spiritual leaders' for decades.
Next we have Frank Biden. Yes, that Biden. While Joe Biden's brother Frank might not get as much fanfare or receive the same amount of press as Joe's son Hunter, he's allegedly involved [nudge, nudge. wink, wink.] in just as many shady dealings. You know all of the corrupt business involvement for which Hunter Biden just received a pardon? Yeah. By all accounts, Frank was intimately involved in those too. Take some time researching Burisma and reading through this document from the White House Committee on Oversight and Accountability from September 13, 2023 — Evidence of Joe Biden’s Involvement in His Family’s Influence Peddling Schemes.
Honorable mention goes to Cesar Millan whose career was launched by Jada Pinkett Smith and, to a lesser degree, Will Smith. With all of the odd circumstances surrounding those two over the past few years, it makes me go hmm over Cesar being part of this advisory board.
Okay, handing the mic back to 2023 Libby.
Is this resort giving anyone else Nine Perfect Strangers (2021) vibes?
Here’s a very thorough media paid review of the retreat. Interestingly, having a reporter cover the happenings at the resort is a main plot point of Nine Perfect Strangers. Reality and fiction continue to blur.
When we entered the gates the Jurassic Park theme song started playing in my head. Every other retreat location was positioned in the midst of the jungle and this forced us to look out for snakes and other undesirables as we went about our day. Rythmia, however, was surrounded by tall, barbed fences.
Gerry Powell, the founder of Rythmia, joked in his introductory talk, “The fences are not to stop things from getting in, but to stop people from trying to get out.” Why would anyone want to escape from a luxury wellness resort? I wondered.
After exiting our shuttle, we were greeted by immaculately dressed staff. They wore white polo t-shirts and beige cargo shorts. They were all tanned, radiant, smiling, groomed and seemed to express a genuine interest in you.
The staff were also very skilled at remembering each person’s name, a small but important detail.
At this moment, one of the lady shamans swooped down very close to my face. She whispered to me, but the whisper was extremely penetrating. She reminded me a lot of a snake and her face was shifting as she spoke. She told me that everything was good, the tingling was also fine, and it was the medicine doing its work and that I should try and find the source of the tingling to see where it was coming from. Of course, this wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. What I wanted to hear was, “Oh, you poor thing. Yes, you are responding badly to this medicine, let us take care of you.” But in these ceremonies, discomfort is a sign of growth, and self-pity and care-taking can hold people back. As Gerry said, whatever is coming is going. I went back to my mattress and she performed a tobacco healing ceremony on me.
One of my big concerns about this setup is that everyone is in a shared space. Even if an individual did have boundaries of steel against evil, this environment is going to blow through them. You have roughly twenty people in a room all being bombarded by an assortment of evil entities. Those entities are all going to co-mingle and gain strength. No one has the capacity to avert those attacks.
Plus, I have to assume that those mattresses are cleaned in some capacity and reused from week to week as one group leaves and the next arrives. Part of the way that evil transfers from person to person is through bile and the traces it leaves. This means that the imprint of evil remains on those mattresses since people are regularly experiencing vomiting and diarrhea while imbibing ayahuasca. No. No. No.
After watching Mrs. Moon's Medicine: and the Ayahuasca Miracle, a half documentary-half promo video for the Rythmia retreat center, I can say with conviction that Gerry Powell, the founder, is an alien walkin. Evil gathered and concluded, "This guy is in too deep. Scrap his soul, and put his body to good use." Powell describes himself prior to his own 'plant medicine' transformation in the following way —
I became an asshole beyond compare. I was a stone cold drunk. I was a drug addict. I loved cocaine. I was using injectable Demerol, 5 sticks a day. I was a sex addict. I was just about everything, but more than that, I had an energy that was terrible. I could walk into a CVS and piss people off. I was a mess, a mess of a human.
In Joe Dixon's description for HighExistence, he relays his impressions of Gerry Powell saying —
Despite being very wealthy, Gerry had been in psychological hell for many years prior to the creation of Rythmia. He admitted that in his younger days, he was not a good person at all. Gerry said he would not talk to a woman if there was little chance he could sleep with her, and he would not talk to a man if there was little chance he could make money from him. Beyond this, Gerry was a sex addict, drug addict, wife beater, and narcissist. He said he could easily fire one hundred people without a fraction of guilt, or purchase cars and planes without a fraction of joy. Not surprisingly, he had been so depressed he tried committing suicide twice.
Gerry’s journey changed when he booked himself into rehab and through an interesting chain of events experienced a Plant Medicine ceremony that changed his life. With the subsequent use of the Plant Medicine, it was revealed to Gerry in visions that he should create what is now Rythmia.
Mrs. Moon's Medicine continues to offer stories of what a despicable guy Powell was before his 'plant medicine' powered transformation. It's his account of the actual events of his experience with ayahuasca that make my skin crawl. What he doesn't realize is that each step of that journey was a relinquishing of his soul's occupancy of his body. When the version of him that landed on the moon tapped the shoulder of the version sitting at the computer, that was an ejection of his soul from his body. When Mrs. Moon removed his heart and gave him a new one, that was a new soul being implanted into him.
So I said "Mrs. Moon, could I please have a new heart?" And she said "Yeah," and then she gave me this new heart. And then I said "What do you want m to do?," and she said "Put it in your left hand. Put it in your chest." And then the next day, I was a different guy.
Powell goes on to explain that after his return to California —
The moon told me. And then it sounds so ridiculously crazy, but told me to go buy a center and to make it a plant-based center. Told me what building to buy. Told me what to pay for it.
This is how alien manipulation works. Of course this alien group wants Powell to go recruit others so that they can gain control over more people with money and influence. According to a June 2024 promo video, Rythmia has had "tens of thousands of guests come through the door and have the very similar experience, and walk away with a changed life and a new direction… The end result is that the week here is the first day of the new rest of your life." The alien plan is working.
I'll leave you with one last response that really struck me.
Something that has always bothered me is the deep …almost pretentiousness that seems to accompany people that are regularly involved with it. Like almost a show of spirituality. Like it becomes their whole identity and they start to lack authenticity… carefully crafting every word to make sure they don’t break character.
On point and worth noting. Let's end things there.
Congrats! You made it to the end. Want more?
Here's a little bonus Christopher Walken humor courtesy of my dad. Please enjoy Kevin Pollak’s Walken impression on Bob & Tom to balance out some of this darkness.