This seems so obvious now that I'm saying it, yet it totally didn't occur to me until now. We're dealing with demonic walkins.
After spending an afternoon watching videos of people recounting their experiences with psychedelic substances (ayahuasca, MDMA, DMT, LSD, mushrooms, and the sort), I realized that not everyone returns who leaves his or her body when tripping. There are so many descriptions of the soul separating from the individual when on these drugs. Do you realize how easy that makes it for something malevolent to step into that body and take up residence? Even if the soul does return, there's no guarantee that unwanted devices or entities haven't attached to it.
A few years back, a then friend (now former friend) excitedly hopped on a video call bragging about a story she heard from her massage therapist. During the massage, the massage therapist was prompted to ask if the client's soul wished to leave the body to let a different soul enter.
Let me be clear, if this EVER happens to you during a massage, stand up. Get dressed. Leave as quickly as you can. This is not normal. Nothing about it is okay.
That's not what occurred.
The client on the massage table enthusiastically said yes. Her soul left her body. Another came to take its place. It took me years to realize that the friend telling this story was the one who had kicked out her own soul to welcome a new one. Even at the time, I was upside down about what had happened. Having met this massage therapist a few months prior, I asked to be put in touch with her so that I could help her client retrieve her soul. That didn't happen. Now I understand why.
The original soul that belonged to the body was stuck in limbo. Since the body hadn't died, it was still attached, but it was unable to reenter. Another soul was in its place. This is so much bad news, that I don't even have words. I could sense the stuck soul trying to get back to her body, fighting to reclaim what was rightfully hers.
When I watched this clip of Neal Brennan explaining the sensation of his spirit coming out of his body like a ribbon and then coming back, it clicked. It's not the same spirit. Dun dun dunnnnnnn. (I say that in jest because the horrific nature of this situation rattles me.)
As Brennan described it —
There's a passage from one of [Hemingway's] books where he got shot, I believe, and he said… he explained it as like, "My spirit came out of my body like a ribbon and then came back in." And I was watching with my friend. I go, "Hey, can we stop real quick?" Cuz I was like in that world, like that day. This was the reactivation day. And I was like, "Yeah, I need to not watch this cuz I'm in that thing where my spirit can come back." It was like touch and go. I think I may have said this last time. I would have killed myself, but I knew I'd be going into more of it. So it was like real difficult, like real like on the edge of my sanity. Yeah I would say I don't want to say… I don't know what pre-psychotic would be, like pre-diabetic. I feel like I was pretty close.
Brennan went on to comment, "This stuff. It's Pandora's Box." Yes it is. He and Joe Rogan continue the conversation —
Rogan: It's interesting because I think overall you would say the benefit is worth it, but it's a slippery road.
Brennan: Yeah, well it's hard. It's very hard to do, and that's the thing. And we talked about this last time about sort of the mainstreaming of all this stuff. It's Pandora's Box, man, cuz there's a lot of people. I'm whatever I am — an intelligent person, an accomplished person — and I felt like I was pre-psychotic for a couple days. And I would have killed myself if not… like that's a pretty… That would have been a significant…
Rogan: So you genuinely thought about killing yourself?
Brennan: Well I didn't have a plan or anything, but like, I was like, this is… this is unbearable. No, it was like, this is unbearable — what I'm in right now, where like I'm on Earth? Am I in God's imagination? Am I who am? What? What is this? What is any of this?
Prior to my fun filled afternoon of extended viewing, I had not watched many accounts of the impact of these drugs. I knew that doing them was touching evil and needed no further information than that — steer clear. Except when the demons started attacking me, that's when I needed to identify the beings more precisely.
Here's what I think is happening. I'm about 90% certain that I'm on target.
People are doing these stupid, stupid drugs. (I still don't understand the appeal.) Their souls are exiting their bodies. Malicious souls are swooping in to take the place of the rightful souls. These primarily demonic souls hail from the fourth dimension where they were previously trapped. That dimension is what we have historically thought of as Hell or Pandora's Box.
Other representations exist across cultures, but I am not as familiar with those tales.
The souls that were meant to occupy these human bodies are now trapped in a Hellscape. Demons walk among us in their recently claimed bodies — human suits.
Interesting side note —
Before exploding into the common vernacular in the 2010s, the term flickered into existence in the 20th century to describe the horrors of the world wars. The first usage I could find is in a poem published in a 1918 edition of the San Francisco newspaper The Argonaut, by the late Lieutenant G. F. Grogan. Grogan uses hellscape to describe the atrocities of trench warfare. The word blips up into usage again in the middle of the century to retroactively categorize the paintings of Jan van Eyck and Hieronymous Bosch, and to visualize World War II and Vietnam. The word itself is a portmanteau coming to us from the world of painting: the Dutch artists of the 1600s began to paint landscapes—extensive views of the natural scenery. Scape—from the Dutch suffix -scap, denoting “condition,” which is a cognate of the English suffix -ship, as in leadership or friendship—soon peeled off as a combinatory form indicating an expansive view of an environment, from a cityscape to a skyscape to a moonscape.
— "Why We’re Calling Everything a ‘Hellscape’" by Caleb Madison for The Atlantic | April 18, 2022
As Earth began to shift into the fourth dimension and stabilize there, humanity began to see through the human candy coating and spot the demons in residence therein. The presence of evil became increasingly obvious. That doesn't solve the issue of a bunch of souls trapped in a Hell dimension that aren't meant to be there.
Meanwhile, the social media algorithms are hungry. Many aspects are being influenced and operated by the same demonic entities walking around in their stolen homes. The coding that directs the algorithm took shape at their whisperings.
This is why when I clicked on ONE YouTube video about this topic, my feed instantly became flooded by them. Throngs of demons yearn for human bodies they can occupy. While they walk among us in their fourth dimensional form, taking on a third dimensional physical existence still offers significantly more opportunities and power.
Also, are these drugs part of the podcaster starter pack? "Here's your desk mic and some MDMA." I'm FLOORED by how many of the folks with a notable following are advocating for experimentation with some or all of these dangerous substances. It's worth noting that Joe Rogan, the host of the number one podcast in the world eponymously named The Joe Rogan Experience, is also one of the biggest advocates of MDMA and DMT.
Michael Malice: You've done more to popularize DMT than anybody else? Do you think that these elves are real?
Joe Rogan: I don't know if real is the right word. The question is, we look at consciousness, and we look at like an intelligent entity as being in a physical carbon-based form that's in front of you, that you can shake hands with, or give a hug to.
When you experience what happens when you take Dimethyltryptamine [DMT], you throw all that out the window because the environment itself is not… it's not defined. It's fluid, meaning that it's changing constantly, but yet it seems far more vivid and far more real than this life now. And there are these things that are there, and they communicate with you. And they seem to be really communicating with you, and they seem to also know you, know all of your bullshit, and be able to see right through. But they don't seem to be you. They seem to be something else. That's all we know…
You could say that's a Well of Souls. That's what happens when you die. That's the afterlife. That's a parallel dimension. These are aliens. That's how they can communicate with us. They're non-physical life forms that exist in these realms of light. We don't know. You're just guessing, right?
— Michael Malice and Joe Rogan on The Joe Rogan Experience | February 10, 2021
Hungry Hungry Hippos is way more fun than hungry, hungry demons, but that's what we have on our hands. They put those that they've corrupted in positions of power to influence more people to follow this dangerous path. Feed the beasts.
Now the question becomes, how do we free the stuck souls? And THIS is why the demons have been on the attack. Over the past six years, I've quietly been facilitating mass transitions for hundreds of thousands of stuck ghosts as well as freeing imprisoned galactic beings. I do this without fanfare. It's the exception that I even mention this aspect of my work. Assisting in this way is a privilege, and I am happy to help. I do not need to understand why this is asked of me. On the deepest level, I know it is for good.
In Greek mythology, Pandora is the first woman. She possessed a jar "containing all manner of misery and evil" crafted by Haphaestus (Vulcan to the Romans). Not totally understanding what she had on her hands, curiosity got the best of her, and she opened the jar despite the warnings.
Sounds a lot like Eve and the apple in the Garden of Eden, no?
As religions and traditions often borrow from those around them and those that came before them, Pandora's box/jar sounds an awful lot like the dybbuk box in Jewish folklore. A dybbuk or dibbuk is believed to be "an evil spirit which enters into a living person, cleaves to his soul, causes mental illness, talks through his mouth, and represents a separate and alien personality." By any other name, a rose is still a rose. Call it what you will, these concepts are all the same.
Demons or other evil spirits attach to humans whose curiosity got the best of them. By no means is it a stretch to say that's what's happening with this idiocy around drug experimentation.
At the very moment I was writing this section, a friend of 20+ years started sending me scripture after seeing my last set of stories on Instagram. Here's what she shared —
"By the power of the precious blood of Jesus, I bind you. By the holy name of Jesus, I command you to stop afflicting me. Go now to the foot of the cross to receive your sentence." I know periods of fasting help sometimes too. Count it as flattery they are bothering you ahahaha
Followed by the following passages from scripture —
Psalm 91:7
A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
Luke 10:19
I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.
"Greater is He that is in me" is a phrase from the Bible, specifically from 1 John 4:4 that emphasizes the belief that God's power within a believer is stronger than any external force. It reflects a message of inner strength and faith in God's presence.
I've said this a lot lately. We're not meant to do this alone. Over the past few nights, I've asked for words to drive away the demons. I didn't know what they were or where to find them. Then this incredible human dropped them in my lap. "Here! This is exactly what you need."
These bits of scripture fit nicely with a passage that I was reading the other night.
Jesus Restores a Demon-Possessed Man | Mark 5:1-20
5 They went across the lake to the region of the Gerasenes. 2 When Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an impure spirit came from the tombs to meet him. 3 This man lived in the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For he had often been chained hand and foot, but he tore the chains apart and broke the irons on his feet. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones.6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell on his knees in front of him. 7 He shouted at the top of his voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? In God’s name don’t torture me!” 8 For Jesus had said to him, “Come out of this man, you impure spirit!”
9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”
“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” 10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.
11 A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. 12 The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” 13 He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned.
14 Those tending the pigs ran off and reported this in the town and countryside, and the people went out to see what had happened. 15 When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 16 Those who had seen it told the people what had happened to the demon-possessed man—and told about the pigs as well. 17 Then the people began to plead with Jesus to leave their region.
18 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. 19 Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” 20 So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.
The tricky bit with the expelling of demons is that what has worked for millennia is no longer working. Dimensionality has shifted. The rules of play are defunct. Where we once cast them back to Hell, there is no longer a separation between there and Earth. The doorway is swinging wide open for demons to reenter.
Yet that's inexact because while the demons flood the Earth, there are still souls involuntarily trapped there. Except it's not entirely involuntary which is part of the complication. By willingly acquiescing occupation of their physical bodies without having clear ground rules in place, they gave up the rights to unvetted beings. Demons know this and act on it. Swoop! They're in there like it's the final round of musical chairs.
So no, the originating soul can't simply return from Hell, kick out the demon, and reclaim the body that is rightfully his.
Here's my theory on why MDMA and mushrooms are being pushed to 'help' the Veteran community with PTSD. What better way to weaken a society than by trapping the souls of those who wish to protect it. The demons want to capture our warrior class. What's more, this is an incredibly psychic and energetically sensitive portion of the population. This is rarely discussed as this keen sense of intuition and gut instinct is used in a military capacity so the verbiage differs.
There are already so many trapped souls of those who have served due to the horrors they have seen and the traumatic nature of their deaths. They are also some of the most appreciative and enthusiastic groups to be transitioned. So yeah, the demons want them.
I mentioned that I watched Constantine (2005) earlier this week. One of the central plot points is that demons are crossing over in ways that they never previously seen.
The third and fourth dimension are merging. This means that the old ways of casting demons out no longer work. We can't banish them back to the Hell dimension.
We've seen similar themes in a few other movies.
Funny how the Containment Unit hitting maximum capacity was the plot for the most recent Ghostbusters movie, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (2024), and opening the boxes of trapped souls was the solution to defeat the hotel in Doctor Sleep (2019). But sure, we'll chalk that up to coincidence. This wasn't foreshadowing of what we're now facing.
What really puzzles me is that we saw loads of demons being ejected from the host bodies following the election in the form of full meltdowns. It looked like it was happening spontaneously. So why now? What specifically prompted it?
Is there something there that can be leveraged to release the trapped souls? How does this relate to the Black Abyss I recently described? The solution to fetching souls from that limbo tends to be a network of light. Will that work here?
Hearing the world of DMT described as "a Well of Souls" by Joe Rogan makes everything tighten. It's all too accurate and reminds me of the portrayals of Hell in What Dreams May Come (1998). There's something seriously not right here.
It's incredible to me how similar Rogan's language is in this 2024 clip interviewing Stephen C. Meyer and the 2021 clip interviewing Michael Malice that I quoted earlier in this essay —
I'm kind of joking around when I said it's God. What it seems like is the root of everything. Like, when when you have these experiences they're so profound and so transformatory… so transformational. They have this impact on you where you enter into a realm of the impossible, and it's so easy to get to. It just doesn't take that long. And all of a sudden, you're there — especially through things like Dimethyltryptamine [DMT], which is also endogenous in the human brain. If you can take that, you will be transported into a realm of impossible beauty, of geometric patterns that move and dance in front of you.
And you're confronted with some sort of intelligence — some sort of intelligence that's beyond anything you could possibly comprehend in our material realm. I don't know what it is. No one knows what it is. People think it's a Well of Souls. They think it's an encounter with God. They think it's aliens. They think it's so many different things.
So yeah. I'm grappling with this. I have more questions than answers. You also have questions. I'm in the processes of writing responses to those. This little bit needed to surface first.