Have a question of your own? Don’t hesitate to ask! Reply to this email, drop it in the comments, or submit it here. I answer as many as I can. 


15 | I have read two books of his a while back and did one of his meditations a bit a few years ago. Makes me feel sick that I have allowed that in 😬 Once you’ve opened up to it, is there any way to get rid of? and My friend went on a meditation weekend and has been angry, furious, the whole week. She feels like it might be a collective energy instead something of her own. She keeps saying 'in spite of the meditation' but I sense maybe 'because of the meditation'. If something attached to her, could she simply state very clearly to get out? Or how does this work 😄 My answer.


14 | I love the term you use “galactic beings” because it challenges my understanding of different energies/entities. When I think of “galactic” my human imagery makes me think of aliens, but I don’t think that’s what you mean when you use this term? What do you mean when you say “galactic beings?” My answer.

13 | Hello Libby! Thank you for all your wisdom filled stories lately! I am so curious to hear more on your thoughts/insights regarding ayahausca etc. think you touched on a bit, will you be sharing more on this? Being taken recreationally vs in a retreat/intentional setting? Or does that exist?? Are we opening ourselves up or connecting to parts of ourselves that are darker? Can it be healing or is it messing with us? Why are these plants here? So much to ponder…💫 My answer.


12 | So how do you/can you ask for guidance? I thought is was like a prayer. Maybe the question again is: how do you know who your asking? Show me what my next step is. Give me the confidence to trust that I will know what to do. Guide me on my path... My answer.

11 | This is such useful and insightful information! Like you, a lot of the current self help/spiritual “teachers” raise alarm bells for me….do you have any favorite resources for people that are actually helpful? Everyone raises red flags but I have a hard time finding valuable resources to learn and grow!!! My answer.

10 | So does this mean that love cannot be harvested? What about idolization? I’m thinking of the millions of girls that love Taylor Swift and the insanity of her concert tours. My answer.

JULY 2024

09 | Hi Libby! I hope you’re well. I’ve been enjoying going back through some of your highlight deep dives that I missed when they were live. I’ve been recovering from a rough year of what I now understand to be attacks and reading your words has been so soothing. So first and foremost a huge THANK YOU for all the effort you have put into sharing your insights and experience. It’s so healing.

One question I have for you is around the aftermath of dark situations or attacks. Has it been your experience that energy actually lingers in specific locations as a result of alien or demonic attacks? Or is it more that the aliens or demons use the memories of those experiences as unbroken ties as another opportunity to attack because they’re hoping there’s still potential for a wobble? And does the answer change the approach that should be taken at all? I hope this question makes sense! My answer.

JUNE 2024

08 | I believe that someone from my past is paying someone to put love spells on me. (I realize just how crazy that sounds.) I know that I do not want this person in my life. I never doubted my decisions to walk away and block this person from my life years ago but over the past few months or so every now and again I get intense thoughts about this person and I know they aren’t mine.

It’s wild and very creepy that you can pay someone to do this. I do my best to just shut these thoughts down and think about something else but I guess my question is, can you stop something like this? And what do these people even do for this to happen? My answer.

MAY 2024

07 | Is using cards always bad? For me it feels that cards can be used to communicate, this does not need to be unclean spirits. The question in this I have is, can I know who I'm talking to. Why would god not use this same tool? My answer.

06 | On another note, what do you think of the Arcturians? On the scale of harmless to dangerous? My answer.

MARCH 2024

05 | Do we have to speak out loud for them to hear/understand? My answer.

04 | We’re curious! What’s the difference between a medium and a channeler? What are you? That sounded weird but I’m guessing you’ll understand. Loving this rainy day. 💚 My answer.

03 | What are your favorite books? Spiritual and fiction. My answer.

02 | If there are galactic beings... are there intergalactic beings? Or is that synonymous with other dimensional beings? Or totally not synonymous at all? My answer.

01 | How old were you when you first started noticing your abilities? Did you have someone earth side to process it? My answer.